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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. How should the people in the mollenbeek neighborhood that by and large sympathized and hid these Scumbags be dealt with? They had the ability to speak up and stop these attacks before they happened but said nothing.
  2. Eeeek I need to run to a safe space and hide. You didn't give me a strong enough trigger warning. In going to sue you.
  3. Which was later traded to a bills fan at a tailgate for a....
  4. I saw a pretty funny bumper sticker yesterday. Hillary for prison 2016
  5. When he doesn't get more than 2$ he realized he had to do more. The only logical solution was to sell a kidney for the price of....
  6. Its all part of the regressive idealogy and strategy to indoctrinate the next generation.
  7. For the admin to admit this, it must be quite embarrassing for them.
  8. They do deserve to get trapped in a room with with a bunch of angry honey badgers though
  9. He's a regressive bot. He literally just spews regressive talking points over and over. He reminds me of "Baghdad bob" just spewing iraqai propaganda, "there are no American troops in Iraq..." even though everyone knew it wasn't true Why don't any of the social justice warriors ever talk about how Islam treats women, gays and transgenders?
  10. You have posted a lot in this thread....
  11. And there are anynomous surveys conducted within America of self identifying Muslims where up to 25% condone ISIS and violence to further ISLAM. Even though they are not personally committing violence I would hardly say yes that's peaceful. And that's in America. Walk down a street in a non Muslim no go zone and let me know how that goes for ya. No I don't have a link for that survey either Discrediting the idea of the crusades as justification and using it to condone modern acts of Muslim violence is nonsense? Got it. Coming from a guy who would laugh at Americans left for dead to Muslim terrorist hordes your response doesn't surprise me.
  12. I can't take any response seriously that uses the crusades as part of an argument. And in northern Ireland religion wasn't the reason they were fighting. Each side was either predominately Catholic or protestant but it was not the reason they were fighting.They were not killing each other over religion.
  13. Weird that no one is asking for safe places to hide from facist radical Muslims?
  14. Fluff some pillows, re arrange the world famous collection of Hungarian nesting dolls and drop off a super mighty pack, then...
  15. This can't be real, can it? The only thing worse than these pu55ie5 needing a safe space after some wrote trump on the sidewalk is the university's disgusting fascist response to the situation.
  16. With wimps like this clown teaching college students no wonder they are afraid of everything and their feelings are always getting hurt and demand "safe space". Whatever happened to using common sense? I'm sure the ROTC detachment has been at this college for quite some time and the students were most likely in uniform.
  17. They are not incompetent, they are doing exactly what they want and what they told us they would do. The better questions to be asking, are why is our country and western civilized society being deliberately undermined by our elected officials and increasingly being subverted to the point of being destroyed from within.
  18. He won't even say radical Muslim terrorists.
  19. No that is being hidden in Maine
  20. For Cruella Deville to...
  21. Great news! Here's to hoping he's a significant contributor to this teams return to success
  22. http://www.foxnews.com/world/2016/03/22/at-least-13-killed-in-terror-attacks-at-brussels-airport-metro-station.html Early reports coming in about 2 terrorist bombings in Brussels Because he will let just about anyone into the country and give them whatever they demand. If I wanted to gain more control over a country from within, I would want Bernie Sanders to be president too.
  23. Ooooo I know, a jews head rolls out?
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