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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. im so at my breaking point of being a "fan" anymore... its really sad
  2. this has serious potential to be WORSE than the denver sunday night game a few years ago when donahoe was shown the door... and that was BAD
  3. i made a whole write up on this before... heres the abbreviated version; im a mid 20's bills fan. all i have know with following this organization is epic failures, heartbreaking defeats and horrendeous mis management. i was too young to appreciate the success of the early 90's. sure i know about it and have seen the clips and highlights and occasion re-run of games (greatest comeback) but i didnt appreciate it. there are MANY people in my situation that are giving up because this franchise has broken their hearts one to many times and is no longer worth it. this team is going to be in serious trouble because they are losing many future fans.
  4. the bills are not racist. they ARE incompetant. big difference
  5. as much as i dislike jauron, hes not the main problem. ralph will just bring some other loser in here, "wash, rinse, repeat" 3 years from now (if we still have a team) we will be having the same talk
  6. he can be 3rd string for detroit...? i think?
  7. chalk up another bad personel decision for the organization +1
  8. FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT BROTHER! i figure we as fans must show our disgust and contempt towards what this organization has become or we will just continue to be fed "more of the same" i would rather not be a bills fan than to follow the bills if this is what they have become. As a dedicated fan i am willing to give this team some "tough love" in the vain hope my weak individual effort will somehow alter a decades woth of continued blunders... at least when i finally have had enough and start looking for an NFC team to support I will know that i tried to fix my beloved bills in my own little way. seperate our voices are weak, but organized we can get out message out to the organization
  9. im so sick of having one more season down the drain and not showing progress on a clear path towards continued improvement. its the SAME questions EVERY offseason. a- who is the QB of the future? b- will we be happy to go 8-8 next year? c- who is our coach next season? d- will next year finally be the year we beat new england? e- who are we drafting at #10 14- will the bills be here next year 62- what terrible personnel moves can we make in the offseason? 2340- what good UR free agents are we going to let walk? 0923356- what mediocre player will we bring in and hail as the missing piece of the puzzle? 10297403957035- how many guys will be on IR next year? whats wrong with their conditiong? EVERY single off season its the SAME story. i am sick of it. this organization needs change and it needs direction.
  10. the better question is; what have the bills done lately that is LOGICAL and makes sense?
  11. lose. a win wont bring changes. this team needs DRASTIC changes.
  12. FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT BROTHER! its time fans demand change and to hold the organization acountable. see the thread for the patriots protest if you want to hear more disgruntled fans
  13. no one else likes this idea or has another suggestion? everyone is content to go down with the ship?
  14. it all starts at the top.... RW doesnt even know what day of the week it is... the guy who he hired :cough: our beloved marv :cough: didnt even know his own roster and had to carry around a clipboard to identify everyone he drafted/signed.... yea that actually happned...
  15. this team is missing direction from the owner. its like a ship without a captain
  16. its not even so much the coaching staff, i blame the owner for putting this organization in a position to fail. there is no commitment to succeed
  17. this might be one of the single worst "feel better" posts ever. i would rather be a fan of every one of these organizations than the bills. they all have direction, they have all (except houston) had success at one time or other, and most of them have championships.
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