so to play devils advocate (because i disagree with your point)
are you content with the team generally sucking for the past decade, happy with more of the same, like "eternal rebuilding mode", want to support the team even when they have continued to alienate their own fan base?
because by supporting the crap product we have been fed the past decade only indicates to the organization that we are content and will continue to support the crap they put out.
on the other hand,
if we show our discontentment with what our beloved organization has become 1 of 2 things will happen. The team will leave and go somewhere else (which might be inevietable regardless of what we do or dont do) or second, they will react and try to produce a better product.
either way i think we are better off to show them we are not a herd of sheep blindly approving of this franchise out of fear that if we dont they will move.
if the bills dont improve their organization within the next 5 years they will lose even more fans making a move even more likely. look at how many younger bills fans now know nothing other than failure? many are at their breaking points and if the organization doesnt finally let us know what its like to cheer for a winner they are in big trouble a few years from now. its tough love now, or cya later.