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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. I have a serious problem with these losers.
  2. what are your thoughts on the Obama stimulus? lets have a discussion. Read this article and let me know what you think of it. Personally i think it is spot on. http://www.americanthinker.com/2009/02/the...ad_america.html "The Stimulus will lead America in the direction of Western New York" By Michael Filozof I encourage debate and different view points but lets keep it civilized!
  3. not if obama has his way
  4. JIHAD- According to scholar John Esposito, Jihad requires Muslims to "struggle in the way of God" or "to struggle to improve one's self and/or society."[3][4] Jihad is directed against Satan's inducements, aspects of one's own self, or against a visible enemy.[1][5] The four major categories of jihad that are recognized are Jihad against one's self (Jihad al-Nafs), Jihad of the tongue (Jihad al-lisan), Jihad of the hand (Jihad al-yad), and Jihad of the sword (which can involve combat against non-Muslims)(Jihad as-sayf).[5] Islamic military jurisprudence focuses on regulating the conditions and practice of Jihad as-sayf, the only form of warfare permissible under Islamic law, and thus the term Jihad is usually used in fiqh manuals in reference to military combat. yea "peaceful" right i've heard death to infidels one too many times...
  5. i'm sure you already know this living in philly, but philly fans are mutants hope you have thick skin! but in all seriousness you should have a great time. hockey is a great sport to watch live you really see everything and apprecaite it so much more. it just doesnt translate to tv nearly as well as some other sports. you will be able to see all the "after play" type stuff with people antagonizing each other behind the play. the one thing that might suprise you is how fast and skilled the players and game is and exciting and unpredictible it is. as long as you undertand the basic rules like offsides and icing you will be able to figure out the rest! good luck it should be fun
  6. the truth hurts. the bills organization is in serious trouble if they continue to aimlessly flounder around, show a complete and utter lack of direction and alienate their fanbase on a regular basis.
  7. in all honesty, i can't hate on donte's prediction. i like to see a player with some cockiness and confidence that good things are going to happen. if they had 52 other guys with that same attitude things might be different
  8. marshawn is going to have wake up call with reality soon or be out of the league
  9. outstanding. only buffalo fans can find humor in epic failure...
  10. im conflicted here, if garcia is the best QB out there, logic says to bring him in and it will make your team better. however, if there is another QB contraversy i think i would implode and spontaneously combust. that is the last thing this abysmal directionless organization needs.
  11. we dont have to worry about railroading lynch, he is doing a good job all on his own...
  12. i have no confidence in the direction of this organization. i feel as if there is impending doom at any moment
  13. sad but true...
  14. i like donte, unline "certain" bills players, donte seems to "get it"
  15. spot on. i wanted to like marshawn so bad.... i feel like this is turning into a bad breakup ughh when will the bills finally get something right... im losing hope
  16. you are right... i guess that is a better definition of irony than when a muslim activist trying to create a positive image for muslims, brutally beheads his wife because she wants a divorce because he beats her thus re-enforcing the stereotypes he was actually trying to prove wrong!
  17. please dont let this happen... uggh.... i want a car15 variant sooo bad but they are not cheap and ever since Obama took office prices have skyrocketed... i only hope i can save up enough "before/if" this allegege bill that has rumored to be out there goes into law... if you want to see crazy, watch all the maniacs come out of the woodwork if/when he actually formally tried to introduce this ridiclious piece of garbage legislation...
  18. Generally Speaking (not in every case obviously) but it seems that hockey players conduct themselves much more professionally and hold themselves to higher standards than football players. does anyone else agree or disagree? give me reasons why you feel the way you do? This is just my opinion and i'm curious to see what others think as well... bring on intelligent debate! in my .02 cents i think the vast majority of hockey players were not coddled along like young football stars are. hockey players remeber their parents waking them up at 5am in janurary when its 5degrees outside to go to practice on a saturday morning. They seem much more appreciative, down to earth and humble.
  19. I know what you mean. I like this season a lot, its more "old school" and not as ridiclious as some of the most recent seasons have been. it's shaping up to be a good one. there will be some interesting subplots to come... what is going to happen to the mole in FBI ? (hah i almost said CTU) will something bad happen to Chloe/morris or their kid? Will something happen to Renee or Jack? (i get the feeling 1 of them is a goner) please not jack...damnit! the first man will be in surgery for another 5-6 hours, so by the time he is done what will be happeneing? will he play any type of role? and many more to come... i get the impression this was mostly a "building" episode to lay the framework for upcoming plotlines
  20. somewhere last year when we got stroud i remember a story where him and ol' Fred are buddies? just food for thought... if Marcus spoke highly of the bills it might interest fred but who knows.. if Marshawn and run with a gun is suspended for any significant length the bills might have to entertain the idea to bring in some type of veteran/journeyman type to share the load with freddie jackson...
  21. seeing as how i'm only 25, this is more or less the ineppitude i have known from the bills. i dont know what its like to cheer for a legit stable contender....
  22. +3 for Aaron awesome to see him back! word, here is my prediction, the mole in FBI will find out chloe is on to him and have his people kidnap morris and their baby and blackmail/threaten chloe with it... i feel bad because i like chloe but after watching just about every 24 episode ever (most multiple times) it looks like chloe is going to have a rough season... chloe's awesome too, i hope they dont mess with her kid
  23. Let me preface what I am about to say with this; I REALLY want to like Marshawn and LOVE BEASTMODE. But WTF is he thinking. Seriously. Learn from the mistakes of others and yourself man. What are you doing with an unliscenced handgun. (i have no problem with LEGAL firearms). Even if you use your illegal weapon 100% in self defense, it still does not change the fact that you have an unliscenced pistol and you WILL STILL go to jail for using/possessing an unliscecned weapon. you have all the money in the world, pay some guy to fill out the paperwork for you to make your gun legal or hire a bodyguard. Marshawn you make it so hard for the average fan to support and cheer for you... Did the cops know he was worth millions??
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