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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. i dont want anything to do with andre smith unless its on day 2.
  2. its a good show, what ever happened to it?
  3. i agree, i think its very under appreciated
  4. the "satellite delivery missle" :cough:ICBM they plan to test is alleged to have the range to hit the west coast if used for military purposes sooo that leads me to believe their technology is progressing at a fairly rapid pace since they only things in previous range of taepodongs (that sounds funny) before was guam, hawaii and alaska... NK looks like they want to move up to the big boy league
  5. thats the curse of being a bills fan, eternally optimistic about a silver lining...
  6. no, where did you get that idea from? i was responding to the post about a trident sub wiping out korea, just to make the point that it might not matter if we can wipe NK out because they have the ability to vaporize millions if they continue to develop their nuke delivery system
  7. very true, a single b-2 could wipe out N korea as well. the problem is, what if korea launches a nuke or 2 first? intelligence estimates they have a "small" nuke aresonal. say they decide to vaporize honnolulu, LA, san fran, portland and seattle. would it really help that we turn them into a parking lot after the fact?
  8. good news! i was worried about my precious blue lights with the in-bev deal. good to see it looks like labatt USA will stay local! whooo!! if they strat brewing rolling rock locally all the better
  9. capable of hitting CONUS
  10. I have no idea what marshawn would be worth, maybe something like a late 1st rounder? an early 2nd and 4th? if you could trade him, would you? and what "realistically" would it take for you to trade him? just curious what the general thoughts and feelings are. i would trade him for a high 2nd and 4th. and try to sign fred taylor. the picks would give them a lot of flexability provided they dont mess it up
  11. i like fred, i wouldnt mind at all seeing a double fredded monster. they both seem to be high class hard working guys
  12. some interesting tidbits i would LOVE to see raji sitting there at 11 but we aren't that lucky and if we were, bills would mess it up anyways...
  13. what do you guys think of N.Korea planning to test long range missles? any opinions or thoughts?
  14. very interesting point.. where and who is the VP ????
  15. they actually talked about this on jim rome yesterday and said how many millions he brings IN to the university.. so good point
  16. i dont know why but that in particular seemed very odd to me. wayyy out of character for jack, since he KNOWS the FBI is comprimised and that is the only evidence..
  17. ahhah good ol' Nina... I want to trust Tony since he is one of my favorite characters but i think he is playing both sides... and i'm only about 90% sold that Bill is really the guy claiming to be. what if this whole "conspiracy" was created by a mastermind who is using Bill's group to gain control of the white house in a crisis to gain the presidents trust? when are we going to see some "evil genius" lurking in the shadows talking on his phone to someone?? that should be coming up any episode now... thats the thing with 24 plots they can be so unpredictible you dont know which way things are going to go.
  18. cushing looks solid but if Raji is there i hope to heck they DO NOT pass on him. (unless of course my dreams came true and they signe haynesworth. then by all means draft someone else) but what i am trying to say is there is a 99% chance that if Raji is there he is the guy we shoud grab. he is going to be a BEAST
  19. so how did your first game go? tell us what you thought
  20. ehh i agree with what your trying to say but i dont think you fully understand how damaging and violent the firebombing was. picture (in japan) 200 b-29's each dropping 20,000 lbs of high explosive incendary fire bombs onto a dense populated city built of wood framed structures. or (in germany) 1000 b17's each dropping about 8000 lbs of fire bombs. its going to be a realllly bad day. you cannot hide in your basement from a firestorm. If you are in the wrong part of town it doesnt matter where you are, you are not survivng by hiding in your basement.
  21. haha that punk wannabe "reporter" got what he deserved
  22. i miss edgar.... but alas, thats one of the things that makes 24 great. beloved characters can die off in an instant....
  23. good episode. not a ton of action but it is the building blocks for the "main threat" of this season. so far i am really enjoying this season it reminds me much more of the earlier seasons and not as ridiclious as the more recent seasons became. next week should be good. ughghgh is tony telling the truth? whos side is he on? i have mixed thoughts. whats going to happen with that senator and his chief of staff with the planned attack in DC at 1900?? this is shaping up to get really good!
  24. if the owner was only meters away from their litte "dog" being mauled why didnt they try to protect it? coyotes are not very big and would most likely have run away if approached
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