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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. very true, except our cheap real estate is offset by INSANE property and income taxes.... FL doesnt have state income tax... thats a big take home difference when you are making millions! their property taxes are FAR LESS than NY. thank our worthless politicians.
  2. for better or worse buffalo is buffalo. some people like it, others don't. it depends what type of lifestyle your used to and what you are looking for.
  3. maybe we are inept fans if it took us this long to realize we are following an inept organization
  4. yea WGR just talking about it
  5. in that event they would be getting all the media love for "early super bowl favorites"
  6. ehh its not a done deal yet. it could be posturing for a bigger contract elsewhere...
  7. interesting rumor i heard was haynesworth is going to be pursued by th giants... that would be scary
  8. well who has any last minute predictions for how FA will go? bills related or NFL in general
  9. checking in my bag is prepared for humiliation and a bottle of gin to celebarte if they suprise me
  10. but if she agrees to a "series" of movies the film company will give her and her kids medical/dental benefits! thats what any responsible parent would do!
  11. for all we know he has food poisoning or something else... flu shots really don't do a whole lot, any maybe they do get flu shots? I really dont know but i would be suprised if they didnt. Somewhere i remember being told that in a typical flu shot they try to predict ahead of time what strands will be bad this year and choose like 4-6 of them and thats what is used in the vaccine/nasal spray. There are literally hundreads or thousands of strands
  12. haha that was the first thing i thought of when i heard this
  13. thats the only thing i can think of they must be freeing up a LOT of cash for a reason. They were well under the cap so i dont see this as a money issue. Now they have truckloads of money under.... are they planning something big?
  14. thats the only thing i can think of they must be freeing up a LOT of cash for a reason. They were well under the cap so i dont see this as a money issue. Now they have truckloads of money under.... are they planning something big?
  15. who cares! if we are lucky though he will end up in the AFC east other than the bills
  16. thats a BIG cut
  17. i didnt, just playing off of previous posts in this thread
  18. jeff saturday kato june owen daniels fred taylor kelly washington maybe shawn rogers laverneous coles TJ whosyourmama i would expect them to make a serious effort for mayb 3-4 of those guys
  19. as previously stated, if curry or raji are there i will be upset if we dont draft them. if not then trading down seems logical if we get value for it
  20. the "octoguys take on octomom" and have an 8 person gang bang... or make a pun off the james bond "octopussy"
  21. nice analysis
  22. if raji is there and they pass i will be pulling a beer glass out of my tv screen....
  23. i hear OJ is going to be available, he was VERY good too, he might still have it....
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