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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Pretty Bush league. Keith knew what he was doing there. Throw a 10 game on him to penalize him into the playoffs. I'm not a Dr. But that explanation seems logical enough
  2. Its an investment. It is only going to increase in value and cost. It has a very long shelf life. Buy it cheap and stock it deep. I finally bought a .22lr rifle (been holding off due to ammo scarcity) lately I have actually been finding it on store shelves. I'm almost to 1000rds. My goal would be to get up to about 5000rds stocked at home. I would be content with that for awhile at least. But let's face it 90% of non gun owner, anti gun types think you shouldn't have more than about 10 bullets at home at any given time. It's apparent in the way they cover and portray any story involving guns and ammo. So whatever....
  3. Sigh.... Here we go
  4. Sign me up for a repeat of that tonight. I'm very excited for this team next year
  5. Again, young guys performing well. They seemed to sleep walk through the first 55 mins, but the last 5 were pretty exciting. I bet Nelson is glad he chose buffalo. He couldn't ask for a better start. I thought it was very telling bylsma was using him heavily in the last 5 minutes when the game was on the line, bylsma used Nelson a lot more than I would have expected.
  6. Has she been arrested yet??
  7. If only there were jobs available this wouldn't have happened. -gatorman.
  8. If they made $15/hr They could buy a lot of 7.62x39. Just think
  9. You're so obtuse. These people do not care about civilization. Their "jobs" and "purpose" in life is to lop off heads, destroy society, enslave people perceived to be inferior and just all around be complete scumbags. Wtf would make you think they will just stop cutting heads off and killing any Infidel they come across for a job. You sir are a first rate troll.
  10. Shut the fuk up. You can't fix fanatical crazy. These ASSHATS need to be killed.
  11. Got to be honest. As much as I enjoy this sabres team coming together, I'd love to see them lose a competitive game in regulation. This team is about to really develop into a very good team and I think this draft is going to be our last chance for the next 7 years to really get a top draft pick and it would give us one more blue chip prospect to add to our core moving forward. Ahh the future is very bright I can see the sabres easily being a 90+ point team next year
  12. Not true. Michelle Obama said #bringbackourgirls
  13. With everything going on this summer might get nasty.
  14. A sasquatch in heat. The loud shrieking and wood knocking from the forest would be enough to scare any adventurous teen away to....
  15. I think there is also some clause in the NHL CBA that teams are obligated to grow their year over year revenue or they lose incentives
  16. Ahaha I got a chuckle out of that
  17. In under 24 hours the AI bot Tay devolved into a racist Nazi lover. Yes...we can trust AI,nothing to worry about move along
  18. I found a story after searching here. Sorry trying to paste from my phone http://www.conservativeoutfitters.com/blogs/news/94574273-8-things-you-need-to-know-about-ted-cruzs-sex-scandal
  19. Well.... That will most likely be the end of Cruz's slim chance. Now where it gets interesting is does the establishment let the Trumpeter win the nomination or does all hell break loose at the convention? The irony as many have speculated was that Trump may not have even seriously wanted to be president but was doing this for his ego. The insane part, if that is accurate, he is about to become the nominee by default by being the last guy standing.
  20. Tay has been taken offline. That didn't take long.
  21. It's a sad day. AC/DC is such an iconic band. Somewhere Butthead is saying "this sucks"
  22. With Gordon Bombay and Adam banks at the rusty spoon where they had extra large helpings of....
  23. Pretty much the same thought I had when he was "interested" in buying the bills. I honestly think he miscalculated. He tried to make outrageous claims in the beginning of this campaign to committ political suicide and basically eliminate himself without having to withdraw and lose face. But..... His miscalculation was that his rhetoric actually took hold and resonated with millions of very angry fed up Americans and his support increased exponentially.
  24. Hypothetically...let's say it is proven the neighborhood aided and abetted radical Islamic terrorists. What should happen next?
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