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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Bravo. Welcome to the club If you don't mind me asking was there any one specific thing that opened your eyes? Just curious what worked for you to hopefully get through to others I know who aren't bad peoe but are brainwashed progressives.
  2. I didn't like hearing that either
  3. Mitt Romney's horse, dog on car roof, and binders of women all lost. So did America.
  4. That's kinda my take too. I'm a trump supporter and I think he missed a lot of opportunities to crush her. She just hung around smiling and lying and trump started having trouble staying focused I wouldn't say Hillary won, I would say closer to a draw. I would love to see like a 3 hour grudge match debate and literally watch Hillary start melting on stage. She started to look rough after about an hour 15mins
  5. Trump is missing opportunities to crush her on cyber security, libya, gun running, Clinton foundation etc... She's lying through her teeth, smiling and giving good sound bytes. Lester hasn't been overly tough on trump but he's been very weak on Hillary. Hillary looks as fresh as you can expect, she must have been drinking a lot of blood from virgins in chelseas apartment
  6. Fitz is who he is, very erratic and unpredictable. You never know if good fitz, or bad fitz will show up.
  7. And the locker room being bugged, and your playbook being stolen....
  8. Ok? Care to expand on your thoughts?
  9. I like AW, he gets it. He plays with heart, he cares and he wants to win. He seems like a good guy too and tries to interact with fans. I can definitely root for him.
  10. Didn't look like it, I saw she was empty and calling 911. She may have had another mag elsewhere she was walking to get My biggest question is the guy that jumped right in front of her and ran to the right,where did he go?
  11. Did Hillary almost die, in a plane crash, in iran, in 2012? Very interesting from wikileaks http://www.thedailysheeple.com/wikileaks-bombshell-hillarys-brain-injury-caused-by-near-fatal-plane-crash_092016
  12. Uggh wtf. I went to make my pick for this weekend and I missed the deadline. Didn't realize the deadline was thursday
  13. I'm having fun watching team North America in the world cup. Eichel got on the scoresheet last night too.
  14. Replace this story with, "conservative white Christian guy praises God and hacks up 8 non-Christians" Do you think that story would get air time? The media bias is appalling
  15. About 1 in 3 refugees in Europe don't believe in secular laws. Let's import more of them, what can go wrong? The constitution is totally compatible with sharia, no problem. https://www.yahoo.com/news/just-under-30-percent-french-muslims-reject-secular-115105963.html
  16. If we are 0-4 losing to the rams would be a victory
  17. We've all had plenty of ranking experience. The sabres are young, exciting and have a clear direction. The bills are floundering in perpetual purgatory. Too good to draft elite players, not good enough to be relevant. If they blow it up and start over I can live with it as long as the e,tire organization moves in a cohesive focused direction together.
  18. Yes it appears he got hurt. I couldn't figure out why he was trying to crawl to the sidelines. He seems like a genuinely good kid and I wish him well.
  19. We definitely miss a guy who runs with authority and decisiveness between the tackles.
  20. Rex isnt the one who can't make basic throws. Rex didn't decide to smoke pot instead of play football. We are missing difference makers because they can't control themselves. They should be adults not children.
  21. No. I want no part of old coaches. If we blow it is I want a cutting edge young visionary a head of the times.
  22. So it seems like consensus that he was a flash in the pan and NFL defensive coordinators recognized his limitations?
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