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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. i agree with this and is the most logical approach. I have a horrible feeling that after he gets his brinks truck of money he will become mike williams part 2. a dominant LT is a great asset and IMO based on Peters history i have no problem paying for his talent but he needs to stay motivated with incentives
  2. if he falls they better take him. thats really all i have to say about that
  3. sounds good, thats refreshing to hear about Hardy, i guess he isnt DOOMED just yet
  4. sorry my bad... i honestly didnt see this
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okhiJjuefPw i just about fell off my bed laughing. hilarious. DOOMED! so which one of you crafty creative types made this? i wouldnt be suprised if it was produced by a TBD member
  6. rofl 84% think peters so far... not looking good for him
  7. well if they had half a brain they would have figured out a way to attach their "toy" WITHOUT putting it over the blade... darwin wins again
  8. ROFL. i think thats what makes this hilarious.. i tried in vain to re-create a potential conversation that might have lead up to this event in my first post
  9. someone should make a poll about this, the results might be interesting
  10. on the contrary, i believe gvt. should give people MORE freedoms to make personal choices and LESS regulations (but in this case, making weed legal and not a crime would require legislation and gvt. involvement)
  11. bring him in, its always good to know whats out there
  12. no one else thinks that the story is funny? maybe i'm just messed up....
  13. (to put my response in context i don't smoke and i'm politically conservative) I dont have a problem with this, as long as the gvt. legislates it in a logical way.
  14. + 309434 its really the biggest scam going
  15. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,509036,00.html so i wonder how that conversation went... "hey hubby i just had a bottle of red wine" "hey hun, i have a lot of power tools that are just laying around, lets put them to use" "afterall my fingers have carpul tunnel, this would be easier" "well i dunnoo..." "power tools make everything better" "ok" "ok i have my saftey googles and ready to go"
  16. well i give him an A for effort so far... keep up the good work and lead by example
  17. yea he hasn't started the city on fire yet, ran anyone over or said the team should move to toronto... things are going well
  18. ughhh god no. please please please just say no to andre smith. i dont care if he is available in the 3rd round
  19. no i really cant imagine that, i have to imagine the playoffs first......
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