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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. omg i wont leave my room. i heard they are going to call it call of duty future warfare, possible out at the end of summer, early fall?
  2. i think Trent will be here and they are interested in Scheffler
  3. i hope 2 or less, who knows what godell will say. 1 game isnt a big deal but he does have a reputation for being strict...
  4. seeing as i have court in the morning tommorow... not drunk enough
  5. bring in scheffler and be done with it!!!
  6. everytime i see you posting in this thread you have a different avatar
  7. i know, but hasnt jones been charged with a felony? so in their competition, the next person to comit a felony would win! (next would be applicable since there was a previous) although why am i even arguing about this fictious scenario that hopefully never happens...
  8. 1. Irony 798 up, 96 down One of the most misused words in the entire English language. There are several types of irony. Socratic irony - When someone pretends to be naive about a certain subject, and uses his questions about it to point out a flaw in the established belief. This is often used on the TV show South Park, where the children often ask questions about a situation until the folly in a parent's decision becomes clear. Sarcasm - Understatement, mocking overstatement, or heavy-handed irony (stating the flat opposite of the truth) where both parties are aware of the difference between what's said and what's actually happening. Situational Irony - The irony that most people think of. A difference between what you expect to happen (in a story, for example) and what actually happens. Rain on your wedding day would be a sort-of example, because a wedding day is generally expected to be a perfect, happy day. The good advice you didn't take, however, would NOT be irony, because that has nothing to do with what is expected and what isn't expected. A traffic jam when you're already late wouldn't be irony either; there's no automatic expectation that traffic will be fine, just because you happen to be late. Irony of Fate - The concept that the Gods, Fates, etc. are toying with humans for amusement by using irony. Beethoven's loss of hearing is a famous example; one would expect a composer to be able to hear his compositions, but fate denied him that ability. Tragic (Dramatic) Irony - When the audience knows something that some of the characters don't know in a play/movie/novel/whatever. For example, when the horror flick psycho is in the house and the homeowner just goes in without suspecting anything. So, yeah, Alanis was wrong in a lot of her song, but there ARE some examples of irony in there - and a few that are kinda-sorta, but could be better. The old man who buys a lottery ticket is one; it would be a better example if he won, and then died of a heart attack from the shock of winning.
  9. lynch and jones can 1up each other next felony wins!
  10. roffle... i was hoping chloe would B-slap him, i really thought she was going to
  11. I think cutler is the real deal, but i honestly wouldnt feel great about trading edwards, i want him to make it as a bills QB, he carries himself well and i think he has a ton of potential cant argue with that... stats dont lie.... but they can be manipulated muahahaha :evil cackle:
  12. i keep expecting to hear at any minute peppers to NE for a 2nd rounder (since NE seems to always be able to scr3w everyone..) DOOMED!
  13. i still disagre i think for the better part of a decade we have neglected to put any type of legit resources into TE and waste low round picks that dont pan out. roll the dice on a player with some potential
  14. Hitler is mad at the abundance of Cutler threads.. someone do it up, make it!!
  15. hopefully the bills agree with your analysis, its brilliant! /end guinness guy voice
  16. yea quinn was annoying. im glad hes gone
  17. if we can get fair value or higher, TRADE HIM.
  18. yes people would. its ridiclious to think someone wouldnt. look at what dallas gives up
  19. at this stage i would totally give up a 3rd for scheffler
  20. oh big suprise... jack is framed... again... didn't see that coming...
  21. omg... i didnt even think of that but it is plausible. marshawn would be beastmode in denver... butttt what would we do with 2 starting QB's which one would go?
  22. ROFL but probably more true than i realize Im happy wih Trent and wouldnt give up the farm for Cutler, but if denver is desperate to move him and we can get a favorable deal then i'm all for it. but if not just trade for scheffler and i will sitll be very excited
  23. its been a while since i've watched south park, what ever happened to kenny? did he offically die for good?
  24. that was my initial reaction, he would be a better "favre junior" from what they had last year. i dont want to see this happen unless the jets give up the farm for him
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