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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. i'm biggsy25 on WaW send a hello if you like.. or challege.. either way
  2. who plays call of duty? either cod4, or world at war? what system (360 or ps3) and if you are brave enough post up your username. Also this thread can be used for an relevant information regarding call of duty, i.e. map packs, cod 6, rumors, etc... i figured the greatest multiplayer game series ever should have its own thread!
  3. where did you hear that? cod4 is the greatest game ever. ive heard mw2 or future warefare, was supposed to be set 5-10 years into the future?? do you have any links or additional rumors??
  4. i would have no problem with that, if it was LEGALLY registered. i plan to get my pistol permit in the near future. i like guns and want one. but i am going to do it LEGALLY. thats the difference. but in all seriousness, wheres the poll option for- "i dont care and have no opinion because it doesnt matter, the pampered primadonas are going to continue to do what they want anyways and i'm a realist and accept that they are treated differently than the average joe, and while i dont approve of it i accept it because it's not going to change and its just the way it is."
  5. im not sure if i love or hate that.... need some time to think it over.
  6. did you hear we are going to trade for scheffler?!?!
  7. well done
  8. i would have loved "quinn do you know what you just did.....dumbass"
  9. i blam larry quinn for the state of this team. he has not given Darcy the budget and leverage he needs to build a quality team. its the players and larry quinn.
  10. that was actually mildly humorous
  11. there were quite a few rumors from multiple sources. we are loooking for things to get excited over and just hoping that this would be the first year in the past decade that we address our severe lack of talent at neglected TE
  12. NE will get them all
  13. what a waste.
  14. mort is refrenced in just about every 3 threads here going back to the days of his lover TD, haha i almost said STD....
  15. i dont care what anyone says the way TO rehabbed and rushed himself back still somewhat injured and to put up the performance he did in the superbowl was gutsy. he is a gamer and wants to win.
  16. come to think of it the senator had a pretty short life span in this series...
  17. gatorade and bacardi 151.
  18. by process of elimination.... Scheffler!
  19. ohh i hope not, i would rather throw 'Scoe overboard. he has had a chance to show what he can do and has not yet taken advantage of it. i am curious to see what stevie can do if given a shot
  20. i dont see how you reached that conclusion...?
  21. umm im not going to lie (maybe because ive never used that method) but it seems 4000% simplier to just click back your light knob on the steering column but thats just me... and for what its worth my car is manual trans..
  22. nothing substantial on buffalo rumblings about this, just noting all the rumors and comparing cutler and edwards... hopefuly more comes out by the end of the day!!
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