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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. I have no idea if this is legit or not, but i heard an interesting debate on a local talk radio show. The premise was that NY should split into 2 states, downstate (NYC and long island) and the rest of the state. After doing 10 seconds of googling, this is the first article i came across so maybe this isnt a total fallacy? Would you support it? http://www.13wham.com/news/local/story/Tim...qjGA9_kZUA.cspx excerpt "Republican lawmakers say that New York City and upstate New York have vastly different needs and priorities, so much so that voters ought to have the chance to split the state. Talk show host Bill Nojay says start with property taxes. “Most people in New York City don't pay property taxes because they're renters. Therefore, the crushing burden of property taxes that we feel in upstate is not felt in New York City,” Nojay says. "
  2. our local and state level government is a complete train wreck. they DONT GET IT. THEY ALL need to go and start over fresh. they have had DECADES to fix our problems, but they ARE the problem.
  3. DT, then DE. it all starts upfront. A great line will make your entire D look good, it will make average db's look good when the line is stopping the run and getting pressure on the qb.
  4. poor jack... Noooooo DOOMED! hope jack has some scheme to outsmart the bio agent... i wonder how starkwood is going to play out? and i REALLLY dont like the presidents daughter.
  5. omFg no. please no. for the love of god and all things sacred and mercifull please dont let this happen. kittens will cry if we do this...
  6. if i am playing hardcore i love that set up... its too frusterating in "regular" mode to have to deal with people on juggernaut when you dont have stopping power... it gets old fast shooting someone with 6 rounds point blank and they dont die
  7. after the lackluster responses i'm going to save 2 mins of my life and ignore this video...
  8. i would take that in a second
  9. hopefully this doesnt happen for awhile...
  10. meh i'm a huge fan of stopping power 90% of the time. sometimes in hardcore (depending on my weapons set up) i will use something else as stopping power isn't always necessary then
  11. i bet a shamwow could have cleaned up that mess! edit: rofl i just rea the story and its hilarious. pictures are great. "Both parties had a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage emitting from their persons" lolz
  12. 1. they are playing a game? i thought it was a 3 hour tribute to the triumphiant return of tom brady, this will make the brushci comeback game look like a hallmark card. 2. someone important bills player has a season ending injury 3. the bills keep things competitive till about mid way through the 2nd quarter, just long enough to wonder for a split second "is this the game we finally beat NE?" 4. tom brady is a god (i wish he would have another season ending injury but lightning doesnt strike twice here) (yes i really do hate him) 5. some BS contraversial call goes against the bills. thats the game in a nutshell
  13. yea.... TO would want to bring in a high profile tight end... right... i wonder if witten is available??
  14. keep preaching brother! juggernaut needs to go away and NEVER come back. for a side note, youtube "hitler is mad at cod4" and "hitler sucks at world at war" hilarity will ensue, very entertaining videos (maybe even as good as hitler is mad at the bills) if you are big into COD and appreciate the little things he rants about
  15. i dont really even care if we trade him or not but i want the "jason peters watch" to be over soon. just announce you ARE NOT trading him, or get a deal done.... please..??
  16. i <3 stopping power. if your bored sometime send me a match request biggsy25
  17. i like the logic behind that analysis, well done
  18. i was driving through columbus a few months ago and that was my first "gas stop" and was plesantly suprised that there was a Timmy Hos there! it must be a decent city
  19. You must be one of those "mp40 dual mag juggarnaut" types.... what prestige are you?
  20. how could they possibly have a 2010 mock draft when they didnt even play the 2009 season. ridiclious.
  21. It's the league of double standards.
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