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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Pretty much sums up my thoughts. I made the point too of winning at the end of a season sure didn't help Columbus. The sabres are building a team of winners. Eichel, O'Reilly, risto, reinhart, etc... That is going to be an awesome young core to build from. I'm not mad the sabres are winning at all because the players that matter are doing great. Buttttttt..... This is going to be our last chance to add another great young prospect with our own draft pick for quit a while. I see us becoming a 90+ pt team next year and drafting in the bottom half.
  2. Ask Columbus if getting hot at the end of the year matters for the next season. Personally I want as high of a draft pick as possible this year because we won't be in this position again for a long time. Talent wins.
  3. Filthy pass by eichel to set up O'Reilly
  4. F5 I saw him at tempo I saw him at the airport This is our year You're an idiot
  5. It reminds me of an expression I heard from a friend down south; You can let everyone think you're an idiot, or open your mouth and speak to remove any doubt.
  6. He won't even call it what it is. I wouldn't say its a stretch to say he DOESN'T want to. He downplayed ISIS at every opportunity. He had the classified Intel briefs, he knew how bad ISIS is. He ran cover for them and called them the J-V team. The guy is a traitor to our country. Jan 2017 cannot come soon enough. He does not have AMERICAS best interest at heart.
  7. Its hard because the angle and not enough depth perception everything seems cluttered together
  8. Hunter... For in the hunt
  9. I enjoy a few different areas. Front row 300 level center ice is great. First row by the nets is awesome for like 70% of the game. The other 30% of the game in the far end is impossible to really see but for that 70% of time from the neutral zone into your end it's great. And maybe 20 rows up center ice is great too
  10. Trust me you'll see, you'll see. Its what plants crave. More links. Were going to copy more links and they're going to read them , they're going to read them.
  11. Most people who love america have a different view of success from someone who has disdain for this country and wants to weaken and fundamentally transform us.
  12. One thing I think is funny is Texans have so much pride in their state they can't imagine a world outside of Texas or why anyone would want to go anywhere else. I thought that was kinda cool.
  13. I heard Darth Vader is tied into this somehow
  14. Thanks.... Reading comprehension got me there. Missed that while reading from phone.
  15. I have different favorites in different genres. But here are a few; Dumb and Dumber Old school Top gun Last of the mohicans The newest Rambo Almost any old James bond (moonraker, octopussy, the spy who loved me,goldfinger, from Russia with love etc) Star wars 4-7, although 3 wasn't bad. Act of valor Die hard Mini series- the pacific I'm sure I have others I'll think of later
  16. I won't say anything negative, guy was just trying to do his job. RIP and Godbless
  17. That really doesn't sound so bad? How long of a drive is it
  18. His team will be great, greatest team ever, just wait and see, they'll be great. Maybe bon jovi will give it another go. But yes, sign me up for spring football
  19. Hah. Imagine sully as a politician.
  20. I agree with that. You have to appreciate the differences and embrace the new experiences. Get out of your comfort zone and enjoy it for what it is, don't always compare. PS- I spent some time in Wichita Falls TX that I enjoyed. The one thing that I'm still amazed at were the supercell thunderstorms. But I really enjoyed Texas.
  21. Is your wife from buffalo or did you meet her elsewhere? Lol I'm sure the area has changed a lot in the time you've been gone. Good news is compared to some of the places you've lived traffic here is still very light compared to major cities. I live in Hamburg and commute across the city to Tonawanda and (unless there is heavy snow) typically takes about 25 minutes each way during morning and afternoon rush hour. So find an area you want to live and you feel at home and go for it. PS- I'm loyal to the southtowns.
  22. Congrats that seems like good news. Maybe I missed it but has anyone else in your family ever lived here? What type of area are you looking for, let us know and we will get you up to speed.
  23. It was a good interview. I appreciate that Murray is so candid and honest. Its very refreshing and I like his vision for what type of team he wants.
  24. It is starting to seem more likely we are heading towards a contested convention.
  25. This is a similar breakup map to what that Russian professor claimed a few years back. I do agree to a point that in order for a nation to be successful, it's citizens have to have a common culture, ideals, language and vision for what they want the country to be as well as sovereign borders. If you do not have those elements it will lead to conflict, tension, political gridlock and frusteration. Right now in modern day America there are too many chefs in the kitchen all fighting over what meal should be prepared. This is entirely sadly believable.
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