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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. honestly yes. i want to get my NYS pistol permit and wouldnt mind having an ar-15 variant for home. im not a gun nut by any means, but would like to be able to protect myself and family.
  2. it seems that all the buzz now is that freeman might be the guy to go between picks 10-15 and if some team has him rated highly our 11 pick might be very appealing
  3. very interesting i would love to see him used like a bob sanders type role. move him around and let him make plays with his talent
  4. congrats, i went through Lackland about 5 years ago, where are you going for tech school? All you need to know is Getcha Popcorn Ready cause TO said so!
  5. how is jello? isnt that like an old indoor warehouse or something?
  6. are you in wny? where are places to play now?
  7. i used to be pretty in to paintball about 5 years ago but have not played since. i feel like on on the verge of being addicted to it agian. i was looking at some stuff online and forgot how much fun i had and want to play. i was just curious to talk to someone to fine out what is new/different now and if there are any local places to play woodsball
  8. simple enough, anyone in here play paintball?
  9. gethca popcorn!
  10. anything ever come out of this?
  11. a young attractive stewardess was riding up front talking with the pilot as their aircraft began to have mechanical trouble, as it lost both engines over the ocean at 38,000 feet it began to lose altitude.... the stewerdess began to panic and said to the pilot, well since were going to die i want to be treated like a woman one last time and she began to undress... the pilot watched for a few seconds and smiled at her. he took his shirt off and threw it onto the floor and replied... "ok now iron my shirt b1t(h!"
  12. Over drinks one afternoon a buddy of mine and I were discussing former "loves". I told him that I once broke-up with a girl long ago because she had a seemingly incurable speech impediment. George said, "Jimmy, I'm shocked. I never know you to be one to be prejudiced against handicaps. What was the girl's problem?" Taking a sip, I paused and reflected. "She couldn't say 'yes'." How is a woman like a condom? Both spend more time in your wallet than on your d!(k. How do you make 5 pounds of fat look good? Put a n!pple on it. What's six inches long, two inches wide, and drives women wild? Money. An 80 year old man was having his annual checkup and the doctor asked him how he was feeling. "I've never been better!" he boasted. "I've got an 21 year old stunning bride who's pregnant and having my child! What do you think about that?" The doctor considered this for a moment, then said, "Let me tell you a story. I knew a guy who was an avid hunter. He never missed a season. But one day he went out in a bit of a hurry and he accidentally grabbed his umbrella instead of his gun." The doctor continued, "So he was in the woods and suddenly a beaver appeared in front of him! He raised up his umbrella, pointed it at the beaver and squeezed the handle." "And do you know what happened?" the doctor queried. Dumbfounded, the old man replied "No". The doctor continued, "The beaver dropped dead in front of him" "That's impossible!" exclaimed the old man. "Someone else must have shot that beaver." "That's kind of what I'm getting at..." replied the doctor.
  13. wow they are losing their minds... for once it actually seems like we are in fun-times-bills-land!
  14. well here is to hoping i'm in the clear... i've done EVERYTHING and more than what has been advised.
  15. mighty taco, sahlens, bison dip and andersons are rumored to be forming a counter bid to move the team to goat island
  16. now if only we had a real C maybe we would have done better! hows that for irony duke! peace out
  17. at least this thread is in the correct forum now!
  18. regardless this at least makes the off season more interesting and the rampant speculation on cutler future is more interesting and thought provoking than discussing who the bills should have as a practice squad long snapper
  19. no i dont think the state would miss out at all... im just not sure where exactly they get it. im not a landlord and i've never rented or looked up where propert taxes come from on renters. like i said im assuming the state taxes the proprty owner.
  20. well we have 2 qb's for the new UFL... vick and losman
  21. i dont rent in NYC so i dont know... i dont imagine the millions of renters pay taxes, most likely the building owners pay some sort of taxes? all i know is i have a dinky little 1200 sq ft. home thats over 60 years old and nothing special about it and my taxes are well over 3g per year. to compare, my parents own a house in florida almost twice the size in a gated community and pay FAR less than I do for taxes. and they dont have state income tax either... I <3 NY. not.
  22. "Police in Newark, 30 miles east of Columbus, said that when they responded to a report of a crash with injuries on March 4, they found a man who had wrecked a bar stool powered by a deconstructed lawn mower." outstanding.
  23. lets see... more people leave, our incoming tax base is dwindling, our budget is the same... raise taxes! brilliant! just keep taxing everyone to death who is foolish enough to stay here so politicans dont have to make any sacrafices. just like the private sector, they are cutting budgets and laying off, who are the politicans not making sacrafices? of they are too busy on recess, voting for their raises, refusing to cut and of their programs/spending/budgets that they feel they are ENTITLED to. just my .02 cents of a crazy idea... a politicans salary would depend upon their home districts constituents median salary (maybe + 10% above median) that way politicans would have a vested interest in ensruing their success of the community they are supposed to be representing and now their own special interests.
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