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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. I agree 100%. i didnt see your post when i was writing mine but i agree. i dont blame darcy/lindy, i blame Larry Quinn for managing this team into the ground. the sabres current situation is his fault. He is not getting nearly enough blame, and i am afraid that when this is all said and done that he will make darcy and/or lindy "the fall guy" and then just say "we think we are good enough and we have the talent but miller got hurt, we are going to maintain continuity and will be better next year". that is my biggest fear.
  2. that team frusterates me to no end. they need ot blow up their roster and make major changes. they need to bring in some players with intensity, leadership, mental toughness and grit. this team just simply isnt good enough to get to the next level.
  3. don't you know who he is? Thats Romeo and he posts on TBD, he is woth millions!
  4. I remember not so long ago when Drew was the most hated agent around... now to be completley honest i am hearing more and more about the bills working with Drew, signing some of his players and re-negotiating deals. Does Drew know how to negotiate with the Bills? do they have some type of mutual understanding? He used to be so contraversial, but since mcgayhee left town i haven't heard much of anything negative about him... anyone else have some info?
  5. there were some starting rookie LT's that did just fine last season
  6. i haven't heard of this yet... hopefully i dont have this problem. stupid question, but is your disc all scrathed up? maybe it is not being read corectly?
  7. well prove me wrong then genius. what have the bills accomplished in the past decade? why should we be confident in their ability to effectively manage this team and make the correct decisions? you can call me "doom and gloom" but i prefer realistic. take the blinders off and look around. take your head out of the sand. I LOVE the bills, but i don't love what they have become. to blindly follow and support a continually inferior product will not do them any favors. they NEED to improve and become competitive.
  8. thanks that is a bit re-assuring, hopefully the right decisions are made
  9. have not heard of this yet, are you on 360 / PC / ps3?
  10. i read that article and missed that art too....
  11. I think the bills still want to sign him. if they feel it is not going to happen, i can see them shopping him on the DL to try and avoid "cutler watch part 2"
  12. you like getting into arguments of circle logic don't you? I don't want to give Peters the contract he wants, there is no way i want the bills to do that. He has not demonstrated he is commited to the team and therefore I don't think he has EARNED another contract negotiation. Fred Jackson DOES deserve an extension/negotiation. (which is what this thread is on without getting this on a complete tangent) but just based solely on the position he plays, he is "underpaid" compared to his starting LT peers and "deserves" more as a result just on the pay scale for his position.
  13. I can't help but feel rather anxious and dare I say "doomed" when trying to predict how the upcoming draft will turn out for the bills. I feel that the bills need to nail their picks this year and cannot afford to have any busts. In my opinion I feel the bills need to secure their next 1-3 seasons and make an honest no BS playoff run or they are in serious jeopardy as an established franchise. And this years draft will be a crucial element to that. Maybe i am just becoming a pessimist after being a buffalo sports fan for too long, but I have grown to have little confidence the bills will make the right choices. Looking back in recent drafts, i see players that have turned out to be studs that we have passed up that would kill for to have on our team now. (i know cliche' hindsight is 20/20) but still. it doesn't give me much confidence in our scouting staff's ability to do their jobs, nor in the "inner circle" to correctly process that information and come to the right selection. Basically I am just sick and tired of feeling like the bills are being mis-managed, out-classed and out-smarted. I want the Bills to be competitive in the AFC but their recent track record of ohhh say the past decade or so leads me to believe otherwise. why will this draft be any different? why should i get excited and be optimistic? what has changed?
  14. it takes away from the plot and the general awesomeness of the whole thing... more jack, less drama.
  15. i seriously hate that b1t(h reporter. he is such a weasel putting his crappy career ahead of national security, and olivia is so stupid for putting herself in that position, she is getting punked hard.
  16. end it all..... just jump off the skyway
  17. what are the bengals up to these days? all quiet in Cincy?
  18. if even that....
  19. i never said peters shouldn't get a raise, but what he is DEMANDING he is entitled to is insane. there is no way he is worth #1 LT money. does he deserve a raise, yes. does he deserve to be the highest paid LT, no. he has alienated fans with the way he is handling this.
  20. so the bills should re-negotiate his already re-negotiated contract an an annual basis? whats the point of even giving him an extended contract when he has no intention to ever attempt to live by what he signed?
  21. excellent analysis. situational awareness is EVERYTHING. common sense must be applied. with owning a gun comes great responsibility that cannot be taken lightly. I fully plan to apply for my pistol permit in the near future (probably when i get my tax return).
  22. as terrible as this sounds i wish a cameraman was shot and then sued the brady's for all they are worth....
  23. lol have fun with the reflecter belt nazis....
  24. as much as i hate players sitting out.... jackson DESERVES a raise. he has been nothing but hardworking and loyal to the team and nothing but a good team player (not causing problems)
  25. no i wouldnt. 1st overall pick is a huge risk.
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