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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. i think they did that.... i hear we can use some DB's though
  2. serioulsy i want to cry.... for all the random jokes all season long about DJ's infatuation with DB's.... he proves us right....agian
  3. maybin B has a lot of potential but needs to live up to it (potential for boom or bust with little in between) Wood A+ i love having a nasty angry G/C Byrd F he might be a decent player and have a fine career but i dont like him here for the bills. i would MUCH rather the bills gone for LB/T/TE or even everette brown here
  4. yes he might be a playmaker and have some talent... im not mocking or knocking him. i just HATE this pick for the bills needs. we need starters at key positions (LB/TE/T/) and we draft a depth DB. WTF i hate their draft mentality. and not to mention Evertte brown was still available. wtf. we could have had schobel/maybin/brown/denney. that would be a potentially top 5 rotation in the league. i would love to see a relentless wave of rushers crushing Brady
  5. i would be drooling over a rotation of schobel/maybin/brown but its ok we have above average DB depth..... OMG i hate them
  6. wrong. NFL network had him at 5'10 1/4
  7. because this is an un needed position to draft when we have MANY OTHER more pressing positions to fill then db depth
  8. 1st round B+ 2nd round G- they dont even deserve and F- this is worse. he might be a decent cb but WTF are they picking a DB in this position. they are so many other NEEDS not some guy to be 6th on our depth chart
  9. so who is going to get creative and make a "hitler hates when the bills draft db's" video? thats about the only thing that might make me laugh before i throw my beer bottle through my tv
  10. because they would rather waste a pic on a db to be 6th on our depth chart... what a joke
  11. i love high motor db's that we dont need....
  12. no, i would rather have an under sized db to sit on the bench
  13. i want to monitor this thread... the more i have been hearing and reading about sleep apnea, the more i am starting to wonder if i have it. (i had no idea what it even was until like a year ago) but i think i have at least some or most of the symptoms and have been considering getting a sleep study done but have not had the time yet. i will stick around to check for updates, let me know how it went please!
  14. i agree with this.. the rookie contracts are out of control and need to be brought back to reality
  15. the more i hear about pettigrew the more he is growing on me and i am liking the idea of him being a Bill
  16. lolz.... i guess he had enough of flipping burgers and realized he squandered the opportunity of a lifetime.
  17. i started to laugh... then realized he really probably will demand another new contract and then i felt sad because some athletes are so out of touch with their entitlement mentality, then started to laugh again because now he's someone else's problem
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