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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. thats more or less exactly what i am trying to do i dont have any specific goals. basically i am about 5'10 160-165 now and looking to gain anywhere form 10-15lbs of muslce and lower my body fat%. that would be my ideal goal. I would be very happy to be around a solid 175-180lbs of muscle with low fat percentage. i dont want to get huge per say , but more or less just bulk up, have good muscle definition, gain strength, have a better physique and improve my overall health.
  2. Anyone have any good tips/routines on how to bulk up and get cut quickly? (other than roids) I am a thin/light athletic build and i am trying to bulk up with much more definition but at the same time lose fat and get more cut. any ideas or suggestions? i am trying to pay much more attention to my diet, have totally cut out any type of pop/soda, drinking only light beer, i was using hydroxy cut, and am still currently using whey protein and creatine. i usually go to the gym about 3-4 times a week for about and hour maybe a little longer each time. any advice is appreciated
  3. i'm not going to lie... i lost money. but it was a great race. great story of the underdog coming out on top. I love that some random cowboy with a horse beatdown million dollar horses. awesome. i bet Sheik Mohammad was pissed that he had millions of dollars invested into his 2 horses and some random guy shows up with an undersized horse and stomps everyone.
  4. your way over thinking this.... here are a few suggestions that should get you started in the right direction 1- have a fresh oil change 2- check your coolant level (and flush/fill if needed) to ensure you won't overheat along the way 3- check the air pressure in your tires, make sure tehy are inflated correctly 4- make sure you have a spare tire and jack/tire iron 5- start with a full tank of gas and if gas guage is broken make sure you stop to re-fill 6- maybe bring along a couple extra fuses in the unlikely event a fuse blows 7- give your car a "quick once over" for preventative maintience check all the belts and hoses to see if anything looks like it is fatigued/frayed/loose/worn down and replace if needed you should be good to go.
  5. nice story, best wishes Aaron and with any luck he will have a great career as a Bill
  6. im still waiting for something bad to happen to chloe/morris/their baby.... thats bound to happen sooner or later they have been too quiet
  7. verizon fios > *. thats all you need to know.
  8. lol too funny... i guess that about what Vick is vauled at right now
  9. i read one of the stories from him in a local newspaper, and the part at the bottom where people post comments was less than flattering... not exactly reassuring
  10. yea i know what it is that was my attempt at a "worried" face....
  11. what worries me is this is NOT the regular influenzea and it seems scientists dont know much about thie strain as of yet... which is cause for concern
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