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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. that ol' inline 6 is a good motor not super powerful or effecient but it's reliable and does the job
  2. big suprise they evil organization is using Kim as leverage to make jack do what they want. thats original... not. lol.. but i figured sooner or later this whole "kim is back" thing will play out.... and since we are going into the season finale this could be pretty unpredictible how it plays out. but that was a good episode, the only thing that bothered me (a lot actually) is when the bio canister released in the haz mat truck, how they did not keep the truck sealed, jack hopped right out allowing the weapon to release into the surrounding air and no one seemed to care and nothing happend. then when jack has the bio weapon all over himself and clothes right after he's contaminated he is off hugging jibran and chatting it up with everyone in close contact... wtf? and stupid chief of staff. your going to get punked and get what you deserve....
  3. well its about to start and the season is almost over!
  4. in order for us to tell you what to get, we need some criteria for what you are looking for, whats importnat to you, whats your budget, and what will you want the car to be able to do?
  5. thats probably him lol he has a circia 1990 bills jersey with "TUMSTER" on the back for a name
  6. "the" denver broncos game. yea you know the one. i dont remember much from it though.... oh yea and the Titans xmas eve game was fun. i saw hulk hogan body slamming some guy.... and i dont remember much else but i know it was fun
  7. Reuben is a stand up guy and i wish him the best!
  8. i think its hard to surmise that Bell is guaranteed to be better than walker. Bell has little to no experience at LT in the NFL. i'm not ruling him out but i think it's premature to jump to conclusions like that.
  9. yea im not going to lie.... i dont see anything wrong with this article that moulds said.
  10. awesome. i love the sound of where this is going, bring it on!
  11. give it a shot... roll the dice. high reward low risk potential
  12. thanks for all the helpful info guys, its most appreciated if you have any more suggestions let me know! I'm off to grill up some chicken to make a mega salad for lunch tommorow
  13. didn't know that.... thx
  14. well they can go winless and tie each other during the divisional games..... just ask donnovan mcnabb he will tell ya
  15. I try to not clutter this thread up with nonsense, but Tim I enjoy reading what you have to say and you are a valuable voice here. dont let a few t001s ruin it for you! stick around and keep fighting the good fight!
  16. Patriots 12-4 Bills- 10-6 Dolphins- 7-9 Jets 5-11
  17. thanks for advice. i cant throw up a lot of weight yet, so would i be better off to do less reps/sets and lift at a higher weight close to my max? what i have been doing is each new machine/exercise, i will start off with a lower weight and maybe do about 8 reps, then next set increase the weight and drop down to about 6ish reps and the last set increase the weight a little more so i am near my limit and try and do between like 3-5 what would you recommend as far as trying to come up with a routine for planning out reps/sets/weights
  18. hmm thats interesting... im not going to lie working out my shoulders is one of my least favorite things to do. what are traps? I probably spend much less time working back and shoulders than i should... maybe i will need to re-think my plan
  19. i really have not yet. ive only been really lifting for about a month or 2 now. the first few weeks i was in pretty rough shape and did light workouts to various muscle groups to try and slowly get them used to being stressed out before i really began to tear any tissue. now i feel my muscles are responding well and i have began to work them out with more intensity and they are not in utter pain the next day now, just a little tightness and weakness. but its a good feeling not pain. i have been doing a lot of free weights, bench press, inlcline bench, decline bench, the pec butterfly machine, varous types of curls, shoulder shrugs, pretty intense ab workouts, shoulder press, those are my more common exercises i havent developed a weekly routine yet
  20. i still have it... i havent decided to continue taking it or return it yet. i have to assume that the product was abused and taken in large qunatities which led to people having adverse reactions to this..... on the other hand.... i dont know if i want to risk it.
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