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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. great choices! i would also add (im sure im forgetting worthy villains...but) Mr white- casino royale / quantam of solace (i think he is coming back in the next bond as well) jaws- how can you not love the metal teeth? and i love moonraker... octopussy- enough said. actually now that i am thinking about it i love most bond villains...
  2. bring him in, he can't do worse.....
  3. i didnt read the article (but assuming they inlcuded patsies) i dont like the odds of bills/jests/patsies ALL making.... thats to competetive and with the loses they give to each other no way they get both AFC wild carsd
  4. my suggestions in no order; seneca niagara casino the hampton inn at corner of delaware and chippewa the buffalo hyatt between pearl and main the embassy suites on delaware if it is finished by then (still being completed, not sure when it will open) the holiday inn near delaware and north marriott in amherst by UB north the adams mark anywhere in nia falls on the canadian side, it has really grown in the past 5-10 years if i think of anything else i will chime back in
  5. wow the responses in this thread took me right back down memory lane... rumors/seductions/casino/wild mushroom/the downer/more gambling/more drinking/mardi gras/daily planet/omega/other random bars/more strip clubs/boston pizza/random haunted houses/crushing a plate of poutine fries at the clifton hill BK at 3am after a rough night/the really good beef hot dogs after bars close/etc.. etc..etc... i had a blast in NF for a few years....
  6. yea there have always been bears around but this is the 2nd bear crash in two weeks.... EVERYBODY PANIC!!
  7. I'll 2nd that... he seems like a genuinely good guy but he just isn't our QB.... I wish him the best of luck though
  8. Anyone following NK with their nuclear test and now testing more missles? what do you think of the situation? how should the US and the world respond?
  9. seriously.... i agree. i have been saying this for a couple weeks now its just crazy enough that it actually makes sense and might work out great
  10. word i have read stories/rumors of a NYC season 8 I think that was the most "bittersweet" season yet.... i love how they brought back Kim, i like how agent walker is becoming Jack's protege, They did a good job tying in Tony's actions and randomness... i half way expected something to happen to chloe or morris (or their child) all season long and nothing happened, Tony was the real wild card all season he was tough to predict but somehow in the end it all made sense and seemed "somewhat" logical... maybe... at least as best as they could explain his actions Jack will be back....
  11. with any luck this will end the talk of bills moving. as long as the jags are in JAX, the bills should be safe
  12. they have done a good job so far to weed out the dead weight but more work remains to finish the job
  13. i'll see if i can find out from my "guy" at the adams mark if he is still there tomorrow or if he left...
  14. not totally true.... (in no particular order) airtran, southwest, us air, jet blue, united, delta/northwest and continental (and possibly others) all fly full size jets into BUF hop on a jet blue embraer190 to BOS, thats what i would do.... cheap flights and tv's (on a non regional) are >*
  15. yes true... i can appreciate that because ive picked hawk talons out of a jet compressor before... and let me tell you how good an engine smells after it sucks up and burns a bird....
  16. you can tell if it's a regional by the flight number, typically a regional airline flies for a major under a 4 digit flt. number, usually something like 3xxx, 4xxx, 5xxx, and the aircraft is also an indicator if it is a regional carrier or not. the bigger aircraft that fly in and out of BUF are b737s, a319,320,321, b757, dc9, b717 etc... those are the aircraft flown by the majors. if you aren't sure and are a nervous person, just book a flight on southwest and call it a day. they do not have any regional feeder network and only fly b737s the biggest problem with regionals is the whole airline heirarchy scheme. the regional pilots are getting paid sh1t for wages (many make around 30k annual) and are always on the road and work crazy hours. they are more or less putting in their dues to accumulate pilot in command hours of turbine aircraft to work up to the majors. Many regional pilots are very good pilots, but they are in a difficult situation, not making much pay, not as knowledgeable and experienced etc...
  17. oh i must have missed that... thx
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