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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Do as I say, not as I do.
  2. I'm on board as a Whaley supporter. He has done way more good than harm. I want to see his vision continue to play out and mild the roster. Going rogue.
  3. Pretty much the same scenario as 99% of Hollywood and musician types openly endorsing uber regressive causes.
  4. It doesn't take very long. Crazy people keep poisonous snakes as pets and some de-dang them. I knew of a guy who used to keep illegal exotic poisonous snakes in his apartment. Insane. And he kept an alligator in his bath tub. You can go to reptile shows in Ohio and buy anything Or go to kingsnake.com and mail order black mambas, yes madness.
  5. In hockey it's the only tried and true way to do a full rebuild. There is an established pattern Get rid of aging veterans for futures Get rid of big contracts Get rid of under performers/and guys who don't fit Draft high end players Sign the right free agents Start the road back to respectability
  6. Well, end of the line. I would say this season was a huge success as a building block to the future. The guys we have so much hope in all exceeded expectations for me at least. The future is very bright. I have WAY more confidence the sabres are on a path to be legit championship contenders than the bills are. And by a long shot. The sabres are totally going in the right direction. This off season should be exciting too. I can see TMGM trying to wheel and deal for a top 2 defensemen and top 6 winger. Very exciting to be a sabres fan. I keep telling my son to get interested in this team because he will watch them grow into winners.
  7. Idiot. I think the videos at maho beach on st. Maarten are pretty funny. The approach is feet above a beach. And on takeoff when the planes power up the jet wash sandblasts everyone
  8. What are all the Berniacs going to do when they realize their party screws them and nominated Clinton?
  9. He is an idealogue regressive piece of rubbish. It's people like him that have caused so many people to be outraged. Cant possibly be upset that for decades millions of illegal invaders have ignored our laws, lived here illegally and will be allowed to vote further stealing this country from the middle and pulling it farther left along the regressive agenda. The left would love to destroy the constitution and turn us into a 3rd rate wannabe socialist paradise ruled by fiat. Yea. We're mad at our country being destroyed allright, and Eric you're part of the problem. If Clinton wins this election we're screwed. Ugh it's sad. The country is being fundamentally changed and I don't like it's direction one bit.
  10. Trump is planning a rally at the F'n center before the ny primary. Lets see how long till the craigslist ad goes up for paid protesters
  11. Lol, that is "slightly" ironic They are responsible for ruining over a decade of hockey. I hate them.
  12. The mobile pleasure palace
  13. I think Trump is starting to execute his "get out of the race" strategy. I feel like he's trying to kill off his campaign but his followers just keep digging their heels in deeper. I "think" the establishment is going to throw a knucleball of trumps stock continues to drop. I see some dark horse candidates coming out of the woodwork like donte whitner at #8. I think some names reappear. In looking at you Jeb, mitt or maybe even Paul Ryan.
  14. People make mistakes. You never did anything dumb that you regret in your early 20's? I know I did. It doesn't make him a bad person. It just means he made a foolish decision. He seems like the type of guy that learns from mistakes and holds himself accountable.
  15. Yessssss! Miss teen south Carolina. One of my all time favorites!
  16. I've decided Ryan O'Reilly is a really likable guy. I love his game and he seems like a genuinely good guy.
  17. Even crazier, there are people in buffalo who don't know Tim Horton was a real person, and played for the sabres.
  18. this overly PC nonsense is complete utter rubbish. I can't stand it anymore. For !@#$s sake they are pre k. They have no clue. Just let them be kids.
  19. They can be very serious. My dad had a nasty one in his leg. Ask Cody McCormick about them, he hasn't played since he got his.
  20. Did you know mitt Romney has a horse!???
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