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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. that would be awesome
  2. I am in the AF reserves now and just about done with 6 years. I most certianly have not "done it all" but i have seen plenty that i would NEVER have seen or experienced as a civilian. I have been as far west as Guam and as far east as Turkey and had my fair share of stories/adventure/experiences in between. i took a break in my sophmore year of college to go to basic training and have not looked back, i now have a degree, a fairly successful civilian career and am debating on re-enlisting or not for another contract. I initially joined for the experience, gain some direction and structure in life, and to challenge myself. I know it's cliche' but i love this country and have always been interested in the military and after doing some research decided to go for it. it has been a great experience and i would recomend it to anyone.
  3. very few people in the real world are perfect saints and athletes are no different. with that being said i want players who win. thats it. (as long as they are not total felons)
  4. never been to goodfellow but Sheppard AFB in Wichita Falls, TX.... well yea.... it's probably similar
  5. if he is in the coast guard academy i am assuming he is working towards being a comissioned officer (i admit i dont know much about the USCG). if that is the case he is going through intensive training but what he is learning now will put him so far ahead of his civilian counterparts you wouldn't believe it. when he is done with his commitment (assuming he gets out at the first chance) and enters the civilan job market he will have more experience than 99.9% of his peers and will be in demand, but odds are, he will say in for 20+ and that whole thing about having a "normal" lifestyle, right now he is in a "military training" enviornment which takes up his life, but once he completes that and gets to his duty station he will be able to have his free time and lead a normal life outside of work and date/marry raise a family or whatever just my .02cents
  6. thats a bold prediction.... i can only hope your right i dont care for them and their fans...
  7. i thought so last year.... but i think the texans are set up to suprise people. this might be the year they break out of eternal medocrity
  8. well its that time of the year again to post with nothing new/exciting/relevant/noteworthy and to just make "filler" threads to kill time... so with that being said give me 2 random predictions for the upcoming season. it can be anything you want. prediction 1- make any prediction you realistically think/expect to happen during the course of the bills season prediction 2- any prediction NFL league wide that you expect to happen. my predictions are- the bills finally beat new england once this year and i think michael vick will be on an active roster this year
  9. lolz... no more free cincinatti bow tie searching for me..
  10. yea thats a bit creepy...
  11. i would argue the point with anyone that wants to claim the bills have the advantage in the elements... they have not demonstrated that in the recent past.... hopefully with a revamped o-line they will be smarter, work harder and play meaner.
  12. ROFL.... i have my pitchfork on standby just in case
  13. good story TKO really is a class act. B-lo <3's TKO
  14. domino is easily a top 3 bond girl.
  15. if you are a Bond fan you need to see it. you are doing yourself a dis-service by not doing so IMO... and once againg my .02 cents as a Bond fan. Bond NEEEDS to be a white british guy. thats bond. but on the other hand, maybe play up the role of felix lighter if you want to work on a different angle? maybe make an entire movie revolving around Felix lighter the CIA agent and have Bond make an occasional appearance ?
  16. i am by no means an expert but i literally posted this EXACT thread about 1-2 months ago and got some good feedback and advice. i have been working out lightly for about a month or so around february to get my body going and start getting my muscles used to being stressed again, and in the past 3 months (march-may)of moderate lifting (anywhere from 2-4 times a week i like to go as often as i can) i'm now 5'10 162 ish in 3 months of moderate lifting i have gained about 2lbs total body mass, along the way i have gained about 5lbs of lean muscle (so that means i have lost 3lbs or so of fat ), i have lowered my body fat ratio to about 8.8 % and i have my BMR metabolism up to about 1950 calories (increase of about 100 calories) i feel much stronger and can put up more than when i started. i am working now on increasing my frequency of workouts and for a longer duration, i am now trying to get up to 4 or 5x per week as my goal. as far as supplements i am on about 3-4g of creatine (depending on how big of a scoop i take) before work out, and also taking protein in the late morning or early afternoon 1x daily, and then on work out days another serving after lifting. i am also making an effort to eat healthier and foods with more/better protein. and i drink a fair amount of coffee and caffeine intake i think my next step if i get another supplement will be some type of amino acid (altough i am now on nitrotech and i think that has a bunch of aminos in it, i will have to double check) i'm pretty happy with my gains so far and as long as i can stay focused and build on my gains in 3 more months i should even have more gains that what i have had to this point. my workouts are becoming more intense and longer and i feel they are becoming much more productive, so i am staying motivated.
  17. dude i wasted WEEKS of my life playing that...
  18. too much mechanically seperated meat lol... but they are still sooo good
  19. casino royale- my favorite goldeneye - my favorite Brosman, and 2nd favorite overall honorable mentions; from russia with love- great plot quantam of solace- very solid all around goldfinger- a classic my favorite connery bond role (i <3 pu55y galore) thunderball- also a great classic bond moonraker (yes it was cheesy but i liked it) random Bond thoughts; i think the living daylights had real potential but i didnt care for Dalton, he didnt do Bond well at all, to me this movie had a great plot/script but didn't amount to much and about the earlier mention of SPECTRE, i love the complex group of sneaky evil super genius villain organizations, i'm not a fan of the random rogue maniac. It will be interesting to see how Quantam plays out. The Pierce Brosman era started off great with goldeneye but went down hill quick, i think they made it way too far fetched and unrealistic i like some parts/scenes/scripts but overall it didnt really feel like Bond to me. but IMO Daniel Craig brought Bond back to where he should be.
  20. well the villains thread got me thinking.... I know there has to be some James Bond enthusiasts on here, what is your favorite Bond movie?
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