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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. just means buffalo has more sunny days per year than some other cities in the country that have reputations for good weather. i think he was just trying to make the point that buffalo's weather is way overblown by media tools who have no clue. just google "average sunny days per year" and you should find a report which lists every major city and the average amount of sunny days per year in that location. yes... i am a weather nerd ill take B-LO over mudslides, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, forest fires, etc...
  2. 2 someone give me a recap of what he says please..
  3. all i have to say is.... remember the "magical Teddy Bruschi comeback performance" (who would remember there was actually a game going on at that point...) but the return of tom brady will make the return of bruschi look like nothing. the entire broadcast will be all about brady. :vomit: but yes... in my honest opinion we have a good a chance as ever to beat them on the home opener, brady will be rusty, and bellicheat has not had the chance to steal signals yet
  4. its a nuke plant
  5. if i had to guess... i would assume after years of conditioning driving the van down the QE for hockey practices/games/tourneys it is just second nature now... pure speculation
  6. if you think you are a rational calm non jelous type, and you find yourself getting jelous there might be a red flag going off to feel that way. but mix up the treating her like crap and treating her like a princess. make sure she knows that you dont NEED her, keep her on her toes, keep her wanting more from you dont give her everything she wants. but mix that up with doing nice things for her and pampering her. a'la suprising her, flowers, do nice things on occasion to let her know you are thinking about her etc.. but dont OVER do it. if you bow down to her and give her everything she wants and bend over backwards, eventually she will not respect that and will walk all over you becasue she will know she can. dont be afraid to stick up for yourself and sand up when the situation warrants it. because if you dont respect and stick up for yourself when you are right, you are comprimising your values because you want a "hot girl" and you will regre it if things end badly. and in her mind she will rationalize that if you cant stand up for yourself, how will you stand up for her.
  7. its not ice cream... its the drip....
  8. now we need about 3 more guys willing to throw down and/or cruch people in front of the net/go to the front of the net and willing to play nasty. the sabres need to go back to be being a mean team a'la 98-99-00
  9. i missed the good ol' days... now every special interest group :cough: MADD :cough: and greedy lawyer ruin everything
  10. so true.... but as deranged as it is... i love fighting with everyone on a WN flight for the best seats... i love 73's and 75's they are my favorite planes to fly on. i dont like widebodies because your dealing with too many people and it takes too long to get on and off and dealing wth 250 people who act like they have never flown before and cluttering up the aisles and overhead bins sucks. ill take my chances fighting with 125 others on a southwest flight, at least they are quick and effecient and occasionaly the flight attendants are funny. and i have confidence in b73's and WN flight crews but my experience is usually BUF-TPA or BUF-MCO and for a 2ish hour non stop flt. you cant beat it. period. air travel is what it is...
  11. im pretty sure i saw some of these tonight around 730ish
  12. ive flown half way around the world east, and half way around the world west in 50 year old boeing jets that i have personally fixed... yea i trust airplanes. boeing 4L.
  13. somehow there is no news involving michael jackson that shocks me...
  14. i disagree... its easier for me to get in my car and drive to roch or syr then have to worry about getting to a train station, getting a ticket, dealing with luggage, finding transportaion once im to that city to get to my final destination. i dont see any way they can make this work. who wants to take a train to utica or rome? what would that accomplish? its nothing against those towns its just horribly ineffecient to have a state of the art billion/trillion $ transportation sysem for that. and i honestly dont see any way you are taking a "high speed train" which most likely we will get a crappy version and be lucky if it breaks 100mph, stopping in various places every 50miles to beat an airplane. hell if you have a motivated driver you could probably end up with a similar travel time due to less stops and delays. the only way high speed rail will ever work in the US is if it is a national system connecting major cities and can have travel times and cost that can realistically come close to air travel, otherwise whats the point?
  15. all i know is that annoying made up statistic "biggest offensive line in football" wont be shoved down my through every 15minutes by the announcers every time marshawn rips off a decent run. they sucked last year. yes they were big but they were soft and weak. give me 5 smaller agile angry mean guys with something to prove any day
  16. thanks for the legit responses and ideas, some good stuff!
  17. Since there were so many interesting responses in the "visiting buffalo thread" what are some good ideas for things to do on a date? i'm hoping there are some creative people out there with good ideas
  18. its fantastic. my favorite beef on weck
  19. your all wrong!! best pizza is pasquales. other unmentioned "food" type places" to check out, pasquales for pizza/wings, Buffalo sports garden (aka the BSG) for wings, Duffs for wings/bar food and sports atmosphere you can't go wrong here. connors for some awesome beef on weck, louies for slime dogs, and taffys for the worlds best milk shakes gotta love mighty taco and tim hortons. other "sights" to see or check out (i will try and gave ideas that are not already listed, but i might re-name some) there is supposed to be this big year round "snow park" in niagara falls US that just opened. i have no idea what they have but if you want your kid to go play in snow in july... your set. you cant go wrong touring the buffalo naval musem thats pretty cool and impressive to kids, i like it. and its some nice history and they are finally re-doing that whole area and its coming along nicely so far.. some of the local beaches on lake erie could be fun, go up to the observation deck at city hall for a nice view of the lake/downtown. have a family picnic in chestnut ridge park (its a huge county park in the suburbs) they have playgrounds and a massive hill that kids like to play on and run/roll down it will tire them out! and there is a decent view of the city if i think of others i'll chime in again
  20. just glad its not the bills.
  21. if we cant get a game it would be cool to watch one in calgary. its amazing to me to see a calgary home playoff game where EVERY single person in the arena is wearing a new red jersey. its pretty awesome. in fact i would love to see a Calgary vs. either Edmonton or Toronto
  22. we can only dream... that would be nice...
  23. so true. if only bills management would agree... helll russ brandon should know better right? afterall he is supposed to be a marketing guru... give the people what they want!
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