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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. i got one from DH gate, TO blue throwback, size 48 and its mint condition. it was like $29 shipped. would recommend!
  2. i agree, some of the lofts downtown are AMAZING if you are into that type of lifestyle.
  3. building a super wal mart where the aud was is just about the worst idea i've ever heard. just terrible.
  4. lol the garage door was too narrow and tight for the weinermobile.....
  5. ive pissed that thing out a few times... its pretty cool though just natural gas
  6. the old train station right outside village of orchard park is neat looking buffalo central terminal albright knox are gallery some downtown architecture old mansions allegany state park some old run down abandonded warehouses/factories/steel mills old grain silos
  7. they seriously need to make the throwbacks our offical jerseys... Brandon should know better, afterall he is a marketing guy!
  8. how not to eat a naked chick warning...
  9. SWA is hands down my favorite to fly on. they have the BEST routes for where i want to go, i DONT have to worry about crappy connections like if i were to use another airline, i LIKE the fact that i can pick my seat, i like to know who im sitting next to and to grab a window if possible. i like that they DnONT charge for baggage, they dont hit you on every little surcharge, they actually have customer service. and most airlines let pets on board in the cabin. so you cant single out southwest for that. odds are your airline of choice allows it too I like b737s, their flight attendents at least seem to like their jobs and try to be fun, unlike most of the legacy carriers where all the employees are disgruntled and miserable. stop being a hater! Southwest 4L
  11. just remember it's not racist if the victims are white....
  12. I'm not going to lie.... that isn't rational behavior, he is a whackjob ticking timebomb ready to go off at any time... i wouldn't want THAT GUY to be living in my neighborhood
  13. that was actually going to be my suggestion. if i had any choice i would pick a player that will be fairly uncommon who is a good hardworking guy. and 22 would be my choice. but where can we get white throwbacks? i have not seen them available anywhere and i did google them to no avail
  14. because its getting off topic compared to what this thread was intended for.... if he has questions i would be happy to answer them, but im not trying to hijack the thread.
  15. we probably have a better chance at winning in a "replacement league" than the actual NFL....
  16. no not at all... i will just go into more details... not sure how you reached that conclusion
  17. if your serious PM me and ill give you some honest info I was in a similar situation that your son was in. i have a BA in a related physical science field that i found out i couldnt do much with... i am currently in the air guard and i landed my current career by using good ol' monster.com no joke i built up a resume full of random skills through various jobs ive had in my late teens/early 20's and combined with my education i have a decnent amount of "general" experience. i put a half way decent resume on monster.com and i had forgotten all about it and 3 months after i uploaded my resume i got a phone call from a company that wanted to interview me. and thats where i am working now 2.5 years later, and not really related to my field but through the experience i accumulated it actually worked out well. i would tell your son to keep working at the 33$ an hour job... even if its not what he wants odds are that will be tough to beat. i would trade my job for that.... but if he is serious about the Guard, it really is a good deal for the right person in the right situation (its not for everyone but its great for a lot of people)
  18. lolz... unfortunatly i think you are correct....
  19. i hope your right, it would be great if this draft class becomes that good
  20. well to add my .02 cents on my experience with DHgate.com i just ordered a trent edwards throwback jersey and paid, 2 days went by where i got a message from the shipper that they were in the process of shipping my trent edwards throwback in the size i selected and noticed there was a blemish on said jersey, unfortunatly for me that was their last size48... so after negotiating with the seller on what other jerseys he had available in size 48, i went with a T.O. throwback with 50th aniversary patch for same price. after the jersey was shipped i had it in about 4-5 days. the jersey seems to be very decent quality and i am impressed. it has surpassed my expectations and for the 35$ i paid including shipping i will definatly consider adding to my collection if/when they have white throwbacks available i recommend DHgate, it was much more straightforward than i expected and merchandise was not horrendously fake/blemished. i still have all the reebok tags and everything attached. im not sure where they get these jerseys but at least to me they are the same things sold in stores here for much more... my .02 cents
  21. im not talking about the reactor, i was saying that if a hurricane hits that part of south florida the cooling water canals are likely to not be there anymore... or at least would need extensive repairs
  22. eli does not deserve to be the highest paid.....
  23. not going to lie.... i dont think that cooling canal system is going to withstand the next major hurricane to hit south florida...
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