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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. i think this has been around for about 2 weeks now... but it keeps gaining more truth...
  2. i dont see how it will make any type of difference because this is as far from a hurry up no huddle as you can get, they still take almost the full amount of time on the play clock in "no huddle mode"
  3. the raiders have us beat by miles... we are definatly in the bottom 5. without a doubt
  4. i would be so happy if this would happen... but we arent lucky enough
  5. oh i thought the MOST mind-boggling statistic you were going to tell me that during the last 2 games, our PUNTER has thrown the same number of TD passes as our QUARTERBACK!! that is terrible.
  6. can we start marching to 1bills drive with pitchforks and torches yet?
  7. yea what happened to TEN? they fell off....
  8. another reason to hate my life as an 'Ills fan
  9. so true...
  10. honestly... the "no huddle" is the LEAST of their problems... in fact their no huddle takes just about as long as if they huddled on the play clock... its no where close to a "hurry up no huddle" i dont think it matters what happens with our offense beceuase they are inept
  11. none of the above... eternal mediocrity will continue
  12. he has 9million reasons why he won't resign...
  13. dont count on winning games outside the AFC-E becasue some of the non division teams run a 3-4 as well!!! hahaah we are doomed
  14. so true.... we need to purge this organization of all our inept decision makers and start from scratch....again....
  15. i was talking about this last week with some friends ( to put this in perspective i'm 26) when i grew up i was indoctrinated to hate the dolphins, nothing was more exciting than "squish the fish week" now, i could care less about them. but the patriots have filled that void. i hate them. and i hate the jets too. and to a lesser degree my-yamie is "just there" i dont like them but i really have no strong opinion of them. gone is marino and cox etc.. usually when we are playing miami the game doesnt even matter
  16. think of how bad things would be if we get the ball in 1st quarter and go 3 and out. and punt right to NO. thats a huge momentum swing and then at half we dont get the ball. i am critical of jauron but he made the right call to defer
  17. fair enough... I never complain that the Bill's don't attempt to improve, because they do attempt. they just have not been successful at their attempts and seem to have a backwards way of doing it sometimes. in MIA's situation, their starting QB goes down, their 2/3 qbs are mostly unknown quantities and unproven, so they take a chance on a guy who has shown some potential on a bad KC team. it might turn out that he gets cut in a few weeks or maybe he becomes their starter... who knows
  18. by putting them on facebook thats exactly what she did. You really have a bone to pick with me tonight don't ya? this is the 4th or 5th time youve made a snippy remark in an hour. how does college have any relevancy to this? and no, your assumption is wrong. i did all my college in this decade.
  19. im sorry to hear thats awful. its a shame you didnt have a 100lb dobberman hanging out
  20. because i'm being blunt and honest for calling out that girl for being a worthless attention who4e, who thinks she is God's gift, a girl like that doesn't deserve the time of day.
  21. no i dont think i did. i believe you were trying to make the point to "bring in the name guy" but "thats not the wilson thing to do because it costs more" so, traditionally wilson would "bring in the under achieving journeyman type or cheap youth player" because thats Wilson's Modus operandi. So back to this thread... you seem to be inferring that i would be someone who would be mad we signed joruneyman cheaper thigpen when bigger name more expensive and proven garcia is still available. how you got to this conversation i have no idea. but i need to go find where i put my johnnie walker...ughh
  22. her friend looks like she is ready and waiting... she is such a waste, i would hit that and toss her to the curb faster than you can blink
  23. if runyan still had anything left someone would have signed him by now
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