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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Stop with your common sense already.
  2. And there are about 8 million more Americans excersisng their 2nd aammendment right and have their conceal carry permits. You think they are going to vote for hillary?
  3. Hahaha. Such a phony hypocrite.
  4. X3 me too I'm pissed at the establishments (both sides) because they don't represent regular American citizens or interests. They don't care. Period. They are only beholden to their special interests, increasing their power and furthering their careers. I will gladly vote for trump because; A, it's not Hillary Clinton B, I hope he damages both the Republican and Democrat establishments and forces them to be more responsive to the American people.
  5. She has nothing to run on because she's done nothing. Nothing. Unless you count blaming others, lying, inciting racial and class strife, selling out American interests to the Russians and Chinese, ruining the lives of her husband's sex victims going back to the Arkansas governor days, dodging "sniper fire" in bosnia and jeopardizing the security of the country using her private server to circumvent oversight and the FOIA.
  6. I think this is good news from a guy who's been there done that willing to mentor. I feel like the stars are aligning for significant improvement this year.
  7. This "woman" deserves to be in prison, instead she's more likely to be back in the white house. Just flat out Embarrassing.
  8. Just watched his highlights. He seems like a good fit for Romans offense. He looks to get downhill, has good vision, power, is elusive and shiftyness. It seems the only thing he lacks is top end speed.
  9. Actually I felt the media didn't like him because they constantly were stunned every time he got more support they couldn't believe it. Sure they liked him because his campaign became good for ratings and attracting viewers but I would hardly say they covered him in a positive view. I thought kasich was their pick for the right. In the end the media supports whoever they are told to back. Real journalism is dead.
  10. If you come from the ohl or college to the nhl, you are a rookie. I also think players who play for a minimal amount of time in the AHL, khl, Finnish elite league, sweedish elite league etc can still be considered nhl rookies. If I was running the rules committe I would say you have to be under 21 years old at the start of the season to be considered a rookie and played no more than 1 year in the AHL or KHL. but this is just me rambling
  11. I don't remember too many 19 yr olds when I was in high school....
  12. If I could vote, I would vote for Mcjesus. Averaged over a pt per game and was awesome. Oh, and he's a true rookie. Yup. The rivalry and hatred is back on. There was a brief hiatus where both teams were irrelevant for a few years but with all the young talent these 2 teams have the next 5 to 10 years the hate will flow forth.
  13. Can we not be so superficial where looks factor into intellectual matters and determining who to vote for? Let's not use that as criteria.... If we care about how people look, not their ideas we are closer to idiocracy than I realized. Imo, cruz really harmed his image in the past month. Instead of staying on message and principles he got sucked into the gutter off on tangents and wee wee measuring contests. I had a lot of respect and optimism for Cruz when this process started but he's been losing me. I don't know where he goes after this.
  14. The most important thing is keeping Hillary out of the white house. Trump, cruz, kasich, doesn't matter. They will all do less damage than she will. Whoever has the best chance to beat Hillary has my vote.
  15. I care more about stopping millions of people who shouldn't vote, from voting.
  16. I think playoffs this upcoming season is 100% a realistic possibility. From the all star break on this year, the sabres were playing on pace of a wild card team.
  17. Who cares about the Hispanic vote? The regressive already want to allow millions of illegal non citizens to be allowed to vote. It needs to be stopped now. If not there will cease to be an effective Republican/conservative party on the national level. It will be impossible to overcome 20+ million illegal invaders being allowed to vote and determine our election results. This **** needs to stop now. The regressives don't care about the illegal invaders at all. They are a bunch of power hungry treasonous losers who see millions and millions of illegal immigrants as a means to an end. They are using them to increase their power hold. Nothing more. They see them as allowing them to strengthen more social programs and further ingrain them into American society as we steadily match towards socialism, and they want them to be allowed to vote, not because they are compassionate, but because it guarantees they will remain in power and continue their hack careers. They are selling out America to further their own careers. Period. If Hillary wins this election, George w. Bush will go down in history as the LAST Republican president. For all intents the Republican party will cease to exist because they will not be able to stop the March towards socialism. Its nothing more than just mob rule of 51% telling the other 49% how it's gonna happen and the regressives are driving the train.
  18. I love it. So much upside, so much potential and if it goes kaboom, well it was only the past pick of the 4th round. It's like buying a cheap stock with a ton of upside. If he pans out best case scenario 2 years from now he is our franchise an for the next decade as a late 4th round pick. Most likely scenario he becomes a cheaper option as a backup. Worst case he flames out. Not a big investment I don't see a single issue with this.
  19. I don't think that is by mistake... I think they like those traits and are actively seeking players who perform when it matters most.
  20. The left is very tolerant, as long as they agree with what you say. They are giant hypocrites but no one in the media ever calls them out on it. It's pathetic. Only if you are a white, christian, gun owning, America loving veteran. Then the administration classifies you as a potential domestic terrorist.
  21. I'm sure his parents are very "interesting"
  22. What's worse, Not voting Or Voting when you don't understand the issues?
  23. Trump 100%. Nothing on earth could get me to vote for Hillary. If trump damages the country it would be significantly less than what Clinton would do and his actions might actually lead to a net gain. The damage he would do might destroy the political establishment and actually force change.
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