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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. I never said peaceful Islam is the enemy? but on the other hand radical Islam is the enemy. there is a big difference. If there were radical christians or Jews or Hindus or Buddhists orchestrating mass attacks on Americans in the names of their God i would have just as much a problem with those radical sects. The people who fight at the sides of terrorists are the people who are too worried about political correctness to stand up for their beliefs. I'm not afraid of being politically incorrect. and if more people are like me than the whole idea of political correctness will fade over time.
  2. i'm late to the party guy.... but if the Republicans get control again they NEED to BE REPUBLICANS. not moderates, not liberals but true fiscally conservative Republicans and go back to the party's ideals. No more selling out on our ideals to make comprimises with liberals. do you see liberals making comprimises now? helll no you dont they have full control and can ram through 1 string of bad legislation after another that the amercian people don't want and cant stop. most of all they will need strong leadership, to be ethically sound and to adhere to the constitution and their political platform. The republicans need to be republicans and stand up for what they believe.
  3. We have just been lucky at stopping their attempts so far... wont last forever though unfortunately :/
  4. i'm still not sure why this muslim mosque/complex should be built... so let me get this straight... a group of radical muslims orchestrate a massive terrorist plot the likes that the modern world has never seen and unleash an increadibly destructive attack aimed primairly at civilians, business, the american way of life and our economy in the name of Allah, but it's a good idea to open a massive muslim complex run by an imam who is questionable at best, funded by a shadow group who most likely have another agenda to promote radical sharia law all within a stones throw of the primary target where the 2 massive trade towers once stood and thousands died in cold blood, and thats positive symbolism? i'm seriously not trying to give you a hard time but i must be missing why this is a good idea?
  5. Rk, when the shoe is on the other foot then its not tolerance.. but protecting our rights "we are not going to allow you here because we don't want to offend anyone" its amazing how tolerance get used for political gain i love the double standard of tolerance. its such a joke... don't even get me started on how twisted the idea of diversity has become
  6. It really bothers me to no end that the majority of Americans can tell you more about who was eliminated on American Idol or what celebrity is in rehab now... than they actually know about the war on terror and about Iraq and Afghanistan. Its terrible that so many people in this country have no friggin clue that we are in a war where SO MUCH is being asked of so FEW in our society to serve our country and the American population in general has no clue and doesn't want to be botherd with it but just continue on with their lives and not even stop and think. I just think its terrible that so many people could care less and take our country and our military for granted.
  7. I just don't understand why this is so secretive ? what happened to the most transparent administration in history? seriously... you can't even produce a birth certificate.. an increadibly basic document but one that is essential to become president... the whole thing just seems very shady to me.
  8. you seem like a fairly down to earth moderate muslim and that is what America is about...people having the freedom to follow whatever God they want and to pursue happines within the confines of American culture and laws, so all the power to you. like it love it or hate it, America as a country is founded and continues to be shaped by Judeo-Christian values and it ought to continue as such. America as a country should not change and cater to others for political correctness from vocal minority groups. The beliefs and being an american respect deceny and allow for your neighbors to peacefully practice whatever faith they desire as long as it coincides with american law. however I feel very strongly that PARTICULAR mosque should be re-located elsewhere. there are too many questions that have not been properly addressed and i have a hard time accepting that a mosque is being built and funded by a mysterious group in the footsteps of the former world trade centers. Without a question every radical extremist can claim victory... "look how weak america is, we attacked their city and with the blessing of Allah we have built a mosque complex near our achievement" it's a huge propoganda coup And on that... i have no problem what so ever with moderate peaceful Islam so please don't confuse what i am about to say. America and Sharia law are completly incompatible. There is no place in Amercian culture and law for Sharia law now or ever and it can never be allowed to take hold.
  9. thats actually mentioned in a chapter in the book Flags of Our Fathers. much better than the movie as well
  10. lolz... i hated POSH briefings and CBT's.... such a waste of time
  11. I have no problem what so ever with legal guns, in fact i think they are perfectly fine when used and controlled by law abiding citizens. i do however HATE scumbag thugs running around with illegal guns trying to gain street cred and are likely to squeeze off a few rounds at the first person they feel has insulted or disrespected them. Many low life scumbags equate having illegal guns to being owed respect and they have no respect for laws or other people in the first place. i GUARANTEE when this investigation is all said and done that this shooter had his weapon illegally
  12. Apaches have a 30mil bushmaster cannon
  13. I usually defend and "try" to convince myself to like wgr... but it's a bit pathetic that they don't even watch what their audience cares about... thats terrible show prep and bush league
  14. more upscale/business/professional type thats why this is even more shocking because this wasnt some shady type bar
  15. technology = great success. if there was a start up company that i know of creating some type of tv interfaced interactive sex toy or device... i would invest my life savings into it
  16. read my sig... although i will be watching Mallet as well this year i want to see more of him
  17. he didnt look so good in that game.. hopefully he picks it up
  18. cool me too
  19. Actually all, i just got so disgruntled with the bills I started getting burned out and wanted a fresh start so i took some "time off" and now im back
  20. actually JW, i mayyy have over reacted slightly.. probably in real time more like 8-10 months. but you had actually sent me PM's about my opinions on the "Mckelvin situation" after the patriots loss in the home opener last year when you were writing a piece on the fans reactions to the vandalism. so i couldnt have been all that long.. alcohol kills brain cells or at least thats what they say
  21. Nelson was one of the few bright spots in the game... i am very optimistic he can develop since we have no clear cut #2 or #3 for that matter... but preseason that is always that "martin nance"
  22. with FJ and ML out, I can't imagine Chan playing CJ too much for fear of injury so Bell will get his chance
  23. I have taken a year or 2 hiatus, but i'm back, looking forward to talking with you all again.
  24. thats how the protesters organized their demonstrations... since it was one of the few things the government couldn't control but beatdowns and executions ensued... so take it for what its worth!
  25. true... they were invented there... but advice from locals is that the best wings around are at duffs
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