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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. This analogy doesn't make sense.... If someone wants to eat at McDonalds and destroy their body that is their choice and they are harming themselves not hurting innocent people, no innocent people are killed because the hamburlgers honor was insulted. If someone is minding their own business shopping in a mall and a suicide bomber walks in and blows up in the name of Allah killing everyone in the store, that person is a victim of someone else's violence. comparning mcdonalds bad health personal choices to terrorism just shows how many people don't get it. how can you even make that comparison?
  2. I was in the military, I am a veteran, I served this country. I believe in freedom, our constitution and the good that our country stands for so much so that I signed a contract with the government to serve in the greatest military in the world to protect those very freedoms many cherrish but some Americans take for granted. I'm not following the point your trying to make. If you think I don't like freedom your mistaken. If you are trying to tell me I'm racist, I'm not.
  3. It's sad but "small percentages" shape the world. look back through history... Go ahead and call me politically incorrect I don't care, I will stand up for what I think is right, and this muslim victory monument is travesty if we allow our own freedoms used against us.
  4. so glad the Bills passed on him when he slipped in the draft... thank God
  5. is it possible the football gods karma is catching up with them? please oh please let them finish last place in the division this year.
  6. It sounds insane at first but thats because it has a lot of shock value for being politically incorrect. But if you can get past that and actually head his message, he is taking an honest look at a politically incorrect problem and offering and out of the box solution to willing participants... whats wrong with that? There are a lot of tough problems that are in continued cycles of dependence on social programs that are never going to change unless bold politically incorrect ideas are shared on how to address various social problems. just my .02 cents
  7. Nice Analogy, you "get it" sir. To add to your point, in addition what else I do not like, is this seems to be the first major group of "immigrants" (legal or illegal) that seems to have no interest what so ever into adopting American values, assimilating into American culture and learning English. When previous generations of immigrants came "off the boat" or however they arrived here, they wanted to make it on their own, they didnt look for government handouts. They wanted to blend into the great American melting pot and adopt our culture. There were no demonstrations of Irish or Italians or Polish or Chinese etc..marching through the streets hanging their own flags above the American flag, all they wanted to do was become American. I think as much as it is a problem about being "undocumented", this group seems all too happy to exploit every social program they can forge identification for, mooch off the LEGAL TAXPAYERS, continue to alienate themselves with confrontational demonstrations of Mexican pride and "press 2 for spanish". Granted I know I am painting a large group of people (no one really knows how many millions) with a broad brush and there are always exceptions to every generalization but "as a group" the illegal immigration problem we are facing is a huge burden on taxpayers and social services and needs to be addressed.
  8. and to think... i had always thought the tea party organizers were ultimatley responsible for 9-11. conspiracy!
  9. I love how "transparent" this waste of a congress and regime is. Im sure she "unknowingly" awarded relatives scholarships... she's only sorry she got caught.
  10. I'm probably out of my mind (i shouldn't dare make this comparison) but the few glimpses i have seen of him remind me of the Barry Sanders
  11. That was a weak take from Williamson. If he is talking about "weak teams" as punishment why did he not mention the same about St Louis..? we all know what type of powerhouse they have been and how successful rookie QBs typically are in their first year...
  12. Well here's to hoping he finally has a breakout year. It would be an epic condemnation of Jauron's inability to evaluate talent
  13. In the south towns you can't go wrong with Duff's or the BSG
  14. As much serious long term damage as Obama is doing to our country it won't be for nothing if he serves to solidify and re-energize the conservative movement to re-take control of this country and to undo as much damage as possible and to run this country the way it should be. Obama is doing more in 18 months for the conservative party than the previous 20 years combined. Here's to hoping we find our next conservative revolution starting in 2010 carrying over into 2012
  15. What i don't understand is why are so many people hammering away on the freedom of religion aspect to this? "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." I'm missing how this mosque complex has anything to do with the 1st ammendment? NO ONE is saying you cant be a practicing Muslim, no one it trying to prohibit Islam in the U.S. My questions/concerns/reservations are specifically on THIS proposed project and I want to know more about it, where the $100 million dollars funding is coming from, more about this Imam, why this location, etc...
  16. Without knowing all the details.. so please forgive me if i'm off base, but most likely Target is supporting candidate A specifically because he is pro-business and will benefit target in some fashion, perhaps lower tax rates. It just so happens that candidate A also does not support Gay marriage. that does not make target racist or run by bigots just business people looking out for their interests... should they support candidate B who will may harm their business even though he has the liberal viewpoint of gay marraige support? Target will run out of candidate very quickly to support if they are out of business...
  17. lol at least secret secutiy wouldnt worry about you having any weapons! a million sounds pretttty nice... is he coming back to Duffs anytime soon?
  18. no worries! my memory isn't what it used to be
  19. i think those surface lots are for "monthlies"
  20. don't worry he will pick better people to run obamacare! /sarcasm
  21. Its a shame that objective journalism is dead and most of the main stream media is in bed with the liberal agenda
  22. yes and no... i don't expect the U.S. to be governed by Sharia law next year (socialism is more likely) but I think there are outside groups like the wahhabi Saudis trying to establish a foot hold of extreme muslim society in U.S. culture and will use our own civil liberties and the ACLU against America so they can further their extremist ideology. They want to have their seperate culture exclusive of American laws and society against the law of the land. It wont happen in a day or week, but there will be small groups with their sole purpose in life to try to advance their ideology in the western hemisphere and on your previous post you might have missed what i was trying to say but i have no problem with Islam or muslims, i think that moderate muslims do in fact share in many of the judeo-christian values, beliefs and ideals and are all very compatible to co-exist. what alarms me though is why the moderate mainstream muslims do not denounce the violence and call out the radicals and the bad Imams as twisting and perverting a peaceful religon for violence in the name of Allah? where is the outcry against a vocal violent minority group of muslims using the Koran and word of Allah in their interpuration to commit acts of violence and terror? just my .02 cents
  23. thats more or less the point i was trying to make..
  24. I sure hope your right but i have my doubts... look at parts of Europe there are already starting to have a lot of culture tension between the fundamentalist Muslims and the non-muslims. there is real tension. a few years ago there were big riots in France.
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