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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. All the primary talk got me thinking.... it seems almost every election nationwide that had a conservative/tea party type cndidate against the big party backed republican candidate stomped the traditional republican candidate that the party backed. clearly the people have spoken. why has the republican party strayed from what their base wants? why doesnt the republican party understand that republicans are done voting for RINO's ? Is it time to ditch the republican party all together and go to a 3 or multiple party system? If you are a tea party type, are you willing to continue supporting your candidate to make sure your message is heard even if in the near term your candidates lose, but are you willing to stick with them so your message isn't watered down by a "moderate RINO" just curious what people think because i think this is a very interesting time in american politics because i am curious to see how the Republican party responds. do they try to redeem themselves to their voters, or do the voters say go swing on it were done with you, time for a 3rd party?
  2. His message resonates with a lot of disgruntled voters, a lot of people who have "sat out" on the sidelines of politics have had enough and are not going to tolerate these politicans who are only looking out for their own interests and furthering their own careers. The american people are taking back government from the political elite class which has run amuk for too longn without being checked.
  3. Buffalo never had a real estate boom, in fact we really never had any type of boom for as long as i've been alive. Our prices are low, taxes are very high and value of homes is steadily increasing in hte 1-3% range yearly. A middle of the road home here is in the $120,000 ish range (depending on location) but taxes will probably hit you for $4000 (more or less) a year so that will skew your mortgage payment significantly higher than the value of your home.
  4. the religion "of peace" is at it again this time in the good ol' U.S.A.... http://www.foxnews.com/us/2010/09/16/draw-muhammad-cartoonist-goes-hiding/ "death to those who insult Muhammad"
  5. I think the biggest problem is people who would consider themselves traditional republicans or conservative feel that the republican party has left them and moved too far to the middle and too willing to comprimise on issues that are important to them. There are too many "RINO's" that have "watered down" the republican party as democrat-lite (a'la John McCain in 2008) and the traditional republican voters feel like they need a new way for their voice to get out since they feel the republican party no longer shares their values and ideals. I was a republican until they ran weak candidate after weak candidate and now i am moving to the right on the spectrum to the tea party / conservative side because i feel they share my values and will support my views of government. The republican leadership has been a failure allowing for this fracture to take place. If it takes a few elections to change the system then i'm willing to support the losing side if in the end the end justifies the means. As much damage as Obama has done to the country he might be the best thing to ever happen to the conservative / tea party to consolidate our support amongst our candidates and to become passionate from the base up. There are a lot of angry voters who feel government has been taken from them and no longer is run for the people, but for the political elite class.
  6. It's actually pretty hard to do, i wasnt at the game so i can't get into specifics of what did or did not happen there but the aircraft will have to orbit in a holding pattern in FAA approved airspace a distance away from the stadium, once they get clearance to go in they have to time their aircraft going 400 mph making adjustments to arrive just as the national anthem is finishing, if the anthem gets an early start, is sung quickly etc.. it's hard to time it perfectly
  7. i think we very well might end up with a top 5 pick next year... but on the flip side, i think we are "just good enough" to hang in a game to not get blown out. i can see a lot of 10-15, or 13-17 type losses this year. it will be just close enough to keep you form not changing the channel and saving your sunday afternoon
  8. as bad as we were, somehow the still had a chance to win into the 4th quarter
  9. you're right... there is nothing wrong with the current system and it's great living in one of the most highly taxed states in the country that loves to exert their control, tax you to bankruptcy, chase jobs out of state, raise taxes some more to cover the revenue that moved south, throw some kick backs to the state civil service unions, raise more taxes, and so on for infinity. All of that is controlled by people who are completly out of touch with 80% of the state they control. the current NY state government is nothing short of a government sanctioned organized criminal enterprise F**K you Albany. I cant wait for tuesday
  10. assume the position
  11. i know, as the old saying goes "when the shoe is on the other foot...."
  12. no not true at all. the "republican" party no longer shares my ideals, they are just democrat-lite with their wreckless spending and policies. the majority of modern republicans no longer hold true to the party and constitution's principles and I feel the party has left me. I mostly identify now with the conservative / libertarian ideals. I want smaller government, less government involvement in my day to day life, conservative interpretation of the constitution and conservative values. in my ideal world there would be a party which includes that. ^ +2 what you said
  13. Whateverdude, I have to agree (I'm not going to say what side of this issue I stand on yet, if I think it's right or wrong) but I am very curious to how this plays out. I know if a group wanted to burn a bible they would be protected by the ACLU and whoever else that would protect that fringe groups "rights" to burn a bible... but I'm curious to see if this church goes through with it what the reaction is, does the muslim "religon of peace" retaliate with violence, does this FL church have the same freedom of religon/speech that other groups have? does the government step in? do civil rights leaders side with the church's freedoms or side against the church?
  14. As the title states, the current line for the Bills season total amount of wins is over/under 5.5 The more I thought about it I can't see the Bills not getting 6+ wins, so i put my money on the over. I don't buy into the national hype of "doom and gloom" this year. sure we probably are not getting to the playoffs but there is no way we only have 1-3 wins. not happening. This league is so up and down and full of mediocre teams that any team can win virtually any week. Seriously... as incompetant and feible as the DJ Bills were, there is no way we have a worse team this year. We should finally have a competant offense, the re-emergence of Edwards perhaps?, CJ Spiller, Chan's play calling, and in addition i can't see this team wearing down in the 4th quarter that way we did all last year. This team will be tough and scrappy and be in most games giving themselves chances to win late. just my .02 cents but I backed up my opinion with $
  15. In my ideal world I would be a libertarian Conservative if such party existed
  16. I've either had too much gin right now or wait... is about all i can say to joe 6 pack
  17. what are the chances hardcore liberals and far left climate nutjobs make this guy out to be a hero of planet earth
  18. How's that liberal doing in the discovery channel with a gun and a bomb strapped to himself? small percentage... it goes both ways
  19. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/09/01/obama-administration-reverses-course-forbids-sale-antique-m-rifles/ shot version, Government is banning the sale of 50+ year old vintage highly sought after collectible semi automatic rifles that have an internal 8 round capacity. These are hardly the types of weapons criminals will be using and there are far more dangerous and deadly weapons available LEGALLY in the country right now.
  20. looking to join an ESPN free league, PPR or traditional, let me know if you need someone to fill a slot
  21. I'm sure if the polls today show his speech wasn't received well by the public he will just go and back track everything he said and completly change his story all the while denying he ever said anything and go back to blaming bush! and if you call him out on it, well your just a fear mongering racist in political silly season. brilliant! God i cant wait for these mid term elections and then 2012.
  22. from "my guy" the bills have been practicing some very interesting formations in practice that they will unveil sometime in the regular season a la' the way miami decided to unleash the wildcat out of the blue. not certain on their formation or scheme but none the less it will be interesting!
  23. ouch! lol glad our president had so much experience as a community organizer
  24. every single group has their small percentages of "unique" people.. the media just doesn't like conservatives so you are more likely to see clips depicting conservatives in a bad light. Every group has them...
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