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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. then whats the point? if it doesnt matter and you forgo your voting right then you have no right to b1tch if you dont like things or the direction the country is going. I know my 1 vote in a very blue and backwards state wont count for much but supporting the cadidates that i feel would represent myself and the state best earned my vote. Lets face it i'm sure the state will still be controlled by downstate liberals and RINO's but at least i'm trying. it has to start somewhere to end this madness. I'll be honest and say i am going from memory and not posting stats or links to back my claim... but if i remember this disaster of an economy started shortly after the Democrats took control of congress in Jan 2007
  2. The season didnt start off well, looked ugly and hopeless... but 6 games into the season is Chan developing a capable offense with the talent on hand (as was advertised by Nix and Ralph) and are things going in the right direction, or, has the "Fitz era" had a few lucky breaks and we aren't as good on offense as it seems they have potential for? As bad as our offense has been forever, I want to be optimistic but I am having a hard time convincing myself that this is the real Bills offense and things are going in the right direction. If our offense really is showing potential with our current talent... where does that leave us moving forward? if we can address our defense with free agents / trades / draft maybe we will have a quicker than expected turn around?
  3. I'm not sure what i'm more suprised about... the Bills finally having a 300 yd passer or the Bills having a chance in overtime to beat Baltimore
  4. is that "vshare" download legit? it is making me download it to use the site
  5. ughugh i was watching it, what happened? it freezed up? any other links?
  6. I can't wait for the media and political machine to ram another unqualified candidate down our throats because of their own agenda... ya!!! i just mailed out my 2010 absentee votes... heres to hoping it matters
  7. You can say anything you want in this country. just don't say it about muslims or minorities.
  8. seriously... just get rid of the helmets, or go back to the old leather ones. players are leading with the hard plastic helmets using them as weapons instead of for protection
  9. I may have had too much everclear already... but my math says that line must mean that vegas expects somewhere in the neighborhood of; BAL- 24 BUF- 10 no way... I'm shocked we are not at least 17pt. dogs... i would take Bal -13 all day
  10. terrible idea, Kolb is not worth a top 3 pick. a high 2nd round pick or maybe two 3rd rounds picks... now you have my attention but no way for our 1st
  11. Trent has returned!
  12. he seems to be playing "looser" and not as uptight and confused
  13. I think i remember reading about many of the same problems in France and the UK as well. I think that as the Muslim population becomes more established and grows here in the U.S. there will be many of the same issues
  14. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_C-32 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C-40_Clipper http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulfstream_V Pelosi charters aircraft like this for her own personal and family use at great expense to the taxpayers
  15. Go watch Moonraker a few times...
  16. Interesting that a major leader would be honest and not worried about being politically correct. do you agree or disagree? see stories below, choose your poison; http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/europe/10/17/germany.merkel.multiculturalism/index.html?hpt=T2 http://www.foxnews.com/world/2010/10/17/german-integration-debate-heats/ there are some serious social issues that cause contraversay and it's time for an honest talk
  17. reading that was the funniest 5 minutes of my day and I almost fell off my couch laughing. Then i was sad... because it's a true story about my beloved country
  18. yes... clearly a dictatorship in a country rich with oil and gas NEEDS nuclear fuel for peaceful purposes...
  19. clearly demonstrating that the tea party is full of hate. The tea party is full of regular hard working people that are sick and tired of government abuse of their hard earned money and want to hold the elected officals who tax and spend like it's going out of style to be held accountable. the left wing talking heads love to spout off immature name calling to the tea party trying to portray them as racist, hateful or whatever else by using immature terms as "tea baggers" if the shoe was on the other foot and it was the right calling a left group "tea baggers" the main stream media would be up in arms over this. it's a clear double standard. if you still don't know what a "tea bag" is go to urban dictionary and search the term. this is what the left media has labeled the tea party in a clear showing of disrespect but where is the media outrage over that?
  20. 2 positives... - the season is now 1 week shorter - we are working our way to better draft picks
  21. looks like there are reports coming in now that it's offical, moss for a 3rd
  22. Islam is a religon of peace, and if you challenge that or insult mohammad I am obligated to kill you.
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