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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. these are all good ideas for regular bars in the city and can be had for a 5 min or so drive. I like Pearl street as a personal prefrence but cobblestones and benchwarmers are fun when there is a Sabres game night also, along main street in downtown wherever the metro rail runs above ground is free to hop on. it wont really get to anywhere crazy but can beat walking 6 blocks? just a thought to help you get around if you wanted to venture into the suburbs a few suggestions for sports bars are; Duffs in Orchard Park (about 5 mins from stadium) The wareouse in blasdell (5 mins from stadium) Generally speaking Buffalo is very easy to get around, its a medium sized city and you can pretty much be anywhere you want in 20 mins (other than Bills traffic) so getting around for sightseeing will be easy. keep in mind bars are open here till 4am so pace yourself and keep an eye on the time... nothing is worse than all of a sudden hearing "last call" and realizng its 4am and you want to be at the stadium in 4 hours to start all over again! have a good time and enjoy! post back and let us know what your plans are and how things turn out also forgot to throw in if you want to get the "buffalo food experience" check out things/foods/places such as; -mighty taco (local taco chain beloved by residents) -teds chargrilled hotdogs (beloved local hot dog chain) -wings from just about any buffalo bar (tons of ways to get them and they are all pretty good, everyone has their own prefernce) -"beef on weck" is a delicious beef sandwich at many local restaurants -tim hortons coffee (not sure if these are in michigan or not, been a while since i've been there) -get some local pizza, for whatever reason local buffalo pizzerias have developed their own brand/style of awesome pizza thats all i can think of for now, sure others will chime in with suggestions
  2. running into a church with bomb vests sure seems peaceful to me! the last few words were probably something like; "convert to Islam or we kill you allah akbahr" can you imagine the outrage if there were christians running into mosques blowing themselves up killing muslims in the name of Jesus? you would have christians upset that their religion was being twisted, the muslims would be up in arms (again) declaring jihad, and the leftist mainstream media would lose their minds
  3. thats the root of the problem. the republican core is sick and tired of RINO's being nominated and ran as "democrat-lite" and Paladino had every opportunity in the world but ultimatly self destructed his own campaign. andrew cuomo oversaw HUD in the housing bubble meltdown and paladino hasnt even mentioned it once but would rather spend his time yelling a reporters. it's a shame. here is to 4 more years of the same big government high taxes blood sucking downstate we have become accustomed too here .
  4. it all depends what you are looking to do? what type of club/bar scene are you looking for? what are you hoping to do? you guys will be about a 20-25 minute drive from the stadium. you are staying just outside downtown and the stadium is in the suburbs.
  5. Really depressed cuomo is going to win.... sigh...
  6. Bell was picked up by PHL
  7. is it safe to run or download "vshare" on that site?
  8. me too... I wanted an set of those gloves
  9. thanks i'll give justin.tv a shot and see if that works i dont see the game posted there, will someone post it closer to 1pm?
  10. what about the download on ATDHE is that legit? any malware on it?
  11. basically... what he did was got the tolls removed on the north and southbound I-190 (not including the grand island bridges) basically where the tolls were positioned they were set up as a commuter tax into the city. i thought "phase 2" was supposed to try and take down the grand island tolls (farther north on I-190), then go after more of the mainline I-90. but doubt that will ever happen. especially since prince andrew all but has this in the bag
  12. this situation is turning into a mess. they gave Favre a truck load of money to come back for a year, he did us usual and now the situation is BLOWING up in their faces. i think it's hysterical that the "legend of the gunslinger" has now become a joke.
  13. shocking. no one saw this coming........ lol
  14. Mayhem Maybin doesn't get it. In his mind it's not possible that he isn't good enough so he is not seeing the situation for what it is. if this wasn't a wake up call then nothing will be.
  15. I'm out of town and looking if any of you 1337 guys know where to watch the Bills game online? any help ? thanks all
  16. i'm pretty high on mallet now, but i wouldn't write off Kellen Moore ust yet he might be one of those guys that picks up momentum as the season winds down and goes into the combine. Kellen moore has done EVERYTHING in front of him and done it all well. a total dark horse would be in Newton declares and if Chan thinks he can work with him and develop an offense to suit his strengths.
  17. I dont remember exactly how it all happened but i believe he got petitions going and sued the thruway authority? i thought he was also trying to take down the grand island bridge tolls but i don't know what ever happened there?
  18. its so bad. how ANY of our scouts or personnel guys still have jobs is beyond me. we continue to tolerate failure from our scouts and decision makers. Any other team would have cleaned house and gotten rid of these clowns but we give our guys raises and promotions.
  19. i think mccargo is almost as big a bust as maybin. we moved up to get mccargo and now we cant even trade him for a bag of footballs or have him dress for the worst defense in the league. the "top 3" in no order; maybin / mccargo / mike williams
  20. after the "big 3" luck/locker/mallet i'm also trying to follow Ponder / Mcelroy / Newton all 6 QB's are interesting and i havent made a firm opinion on any of them just yet. if i was buddy nix and i had to decide between the 6 of them right this very second, i would have to lean towards luck (if he declares) or Mallet. But thats not to say i will have the same opinion in 2 weeks or in Jan..... just my .02 cents
  21. you know the didnt draft rivers right? they drafted eli manning and he refused to play for SAN so they worked out a convoluted trade/swap of rivers/manning with the Giants..... just sayin...
  22. doesn't he have something productive to do? like have nuclear codes or something to lose?
  23. whats the big deal guys its just a misunderstood religon of peace? tolerance and respect for all! sigh...
  24. It's Bush's fault Obama has broken his promises
  25. here is my .02 cents.... I like the capability of the PS3 better and think it is a slightly better system for gaming and like the blu ray player that is a nice touch. its nice to have playstaion online for free however i have an xbox360 because most of my friends do and use it for xbox live. I think there is a wider variety of games available for 360 and its a more popular online system. but i also live in constant anxiety for the eventual red ring of death that is sure to come at some point... but the 2 systems are very similar. i'm happy with my 360 but i know i would like a ps3 as well, they both have pros and cons
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