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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. I can think of a team that plays on a blue field.... and, Arkansas game is going pretty good Mallet has been under a decent amount of pressure but he is still making plays and his receivers have even had a few drops
  2. CJ seems like a very likeable down to earth guy, I can root for him
  3. looks like the Bama / LSU game might have an interesting finish
  4. simple enough, just seeing if anyone can be kind enough to post an NFL lineup coverage map for this sunday, thanks!
  5. the best way to overcome a "jersey curse" is to field a good team. thats it. We have been lacking talent for the better part of a decade for one terrible decision or another.
  6. It all depends... money talks. he seems to have a good relationship with buddy nix, and if he plays decent here i'm sure we would offer him an extension. If the season ends on a good note who knows where it will lead
  7. I love me some Boise State! Kellen Moore has over 500 yds passing at the END of the 3rd qtr!!
  8. In my opinion... the only thing comical is all the people who voted for Obama who had no clue about him but for whatever reason (main stream media rockstar hype / he wasn't Bush / a deep seeded urge to show you aren't racist / it's change and hope etc...) But all the people who voted for Obama without realizing what they were actually voting for are disgusted with the Obama / Reid / Pelosi government basicaly running politics worse than "as usual" continously ramming unpopular legislation down our throats with no one to hold them in check. 2 years later at the first chance to do something about it there is a fucillo sized HUGGGGE pushback against the current administration from main stream America. The every day people of this country are disgusted and trying to fix the mess they created starting back in 08 and adding to it in 10. In one aspect I blame current pop culture. most americans could tell you more about dancing with the stars or jersey shore than about the people who run our country and thats pathetic. When for whatever reason the mainstream media had a libeal agenda to push, unsuspecting millions too lazy to decide on their own just got caught up in the hype and voted these leaders into office and this is the result. I can't wait to see how the tea party continues to evolve and take shape leading up to the 2012 elections. It is going to have a huge impact and anyone who doesn't think so is kidding themselves.
  9. when i used to listen to his show, all i heard is "waaa waaaa waaaa something else annoying, waaa waaaa waaaa go USC waaa waaaa"
  10. Freeney will eat him up
  11. just deposit it right into my paypal account
  12. spot on analysis, the big government liberals and media can keep laughing at the tea party all they want. the longer they blow the tea party off and don't take them seriously just shows how out of touch they are with mainstream America and makes them even more vulnerable in 2012.
  13. I don't see you trying to refute or argue my mildly sarcastic rant? just adding more sarcasm at least you didnt blame bush
  14. In a nut shell that is basically the liberal playbook to maintain power. step 1- tell people they are poor, weak, deserve more, it's everyone else's fault. cultivate the victim mentality step 2- raise taxes to fund an obscene amount of social programs which just amount to being legal bribes for votes on the taxpayers dime step 3- futher encourage the victim and entitlement mentality step 4- repeat steps 1 through 3 step 5- try to add an uncounted number of millions of "undocumented workers" to increase our bases step 6- repeat steps 1-4 step 7- even though we all know we cant afford these programs and taxpayers don't want them, tell the voters "the other evil hateful party" wants to take that away from you and make you work. step 8- anyone who opposes these programs is a racist, hater, fear monger, bible thumper, radical, evil. there ya have it
  15. i like that the team is finally showing some life and some fight. even if this team is bad, they are becoming a "likeable bad" so i can get behind these guys and cheer them on and enjoy as they rebuild.
  16. I think Stroud has been a complete non-factor this year. he is not part of our long term rebuilding, soooo i figure might as well get rid of him now and see if we have anyone on the roster who can step up. not like we can make our defense worse than it is already... might make sense in the long run. trying to plan ahead...
  17. I'm willing to roll the dice on this! i highly doubt it makes our team worse than yesterday. nice pickup!
  18. NY = controlled by liberal democrats = population loss, struggling economy and high taxes TX = controlled by conserative republicans = population gains, boomin economy and lower taxes. ya thanks for pointing that out conner and making me realize how doomed NY is that we just re-affirmed more of the same with cuomo if I wasnt attached to the area i would be gone to a "red state" in a second.
  19. Great Success! /end Borat voice i was just thrilled to be getting the house back i forgot about Pelosi! she is going to lose her mind!!!
  20. curious to what most Bears fans think of Cutler and Martz?
  21. Good for him to keep trying
  22. Fox just predicting republicans picking up a new gain of about 60 seats in the house taking control
  23. BREAKING NEWS! fox predicts Paladino to lose (/sarcasm) but it's unfortunate none the less also likely Schumer and Gillibrand retain their office
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