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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. can you ride Martha to the Hudson? is it close to the midtown station?
  2. Jake Locker = Brian Brohm 2.0 just my .02 cents. But i remember Nix saying something to the effect of (with a southern drawl) "we like guys who have shown it and have done it for a while, we want to see that a player has been consistent and developed" (too bad he wasnt here for Maybin, this statement would have saved us from him) But that would leave me to believe they want to evaluate a QB based on a "body of work". i'm not sure if Luck has enough starting history just yet I think Mallett has enough games started and as a "wildcard darkhorse" don't count out Kellen Moore or Christian Ponder. I just have a funny feeling that Nix will take either Mallett/Moore or Ponder. (first i dont think Luck will be available to us when we draft regardless if he declares or not. and if he is, he doesn't have a ton of starting experience just yet and Nix seemed to place a premium on it.
  3. Obama already did that to the country
  4. maybe i will come check you guys out this weekend and see what it's like
  5. if we win kiss the #1 overall goodbye
  6. In my advice, stay out of the endzones, corners and rockpile you should be good to go. there may be the occasional drunk guy stumbling around, or yelling profanity but you can have that anywhere
  7. word... i'm in ATL for a few weeks and have been catching the games at the Taco Mac in Sandy Springs. It's not a Bills bar but they have all the games on. where is hudson grille?
  8. meh...seems like fake jerseys. like when that guy made a bunch of potential "new" sabres jerseys before the slug
  9. If i wasn't tied to NY for family reasons, i would move to a red state in a heartbeat.
  10. ugh.... why don't tax and spend liberals get it?
  11. yes, clearly every event that happened 26 years ago will repeat itself again. why do people need to make constant references to teams in the past to draw comparisons from events decades ago? A better scenario would be to compare us to the Dolphins a few years ago and how they handled the situation and the results the following season. thats a better comparison
  12. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/11/16/palin-ready-void-needed-create-milestone-race/ More "non commital" talk from Palin basically keeping the fire stoked without committing either way. this must make the liberals lose their minds. It's actually a brilliant political manuever by the republicans.
  13. from what i could tell he seemed to have a lot of his "yardage" come as YAC. might just be my perception so i'm not sure how much truth there is to that.
  14. I have noticed this as well, although i haven't seen too much of Luck i wanted to watch another game or 2 before i started to have a stronger opinion either way.
  15. sigh.... further evidence how stupid TV has become
  16. exactly. Mccain did NOT appeal to conservatives but appealed to the middle and democrat lite. Palin did not appeal to moderates and democrat lite but had some republican support. If mccain did not select Palin, he would have still lost by a similar margin because the republicans did not want to support another RINO. Instead of the Mccain/Palin ticket drawing from both bases as hoped by the GOP the opposite happened and no one was happy and there was no enthusiasm or backing from voters so naturally the middle all voted for the radical liberal who the media ran nice stories about.
  17. whatever team has the weaker strength of schedule
  18. it is. driving to Rochester or even Syracuse is much easier and less hassle than driving to toronto
  19. Lindell is the most accurate kicker in Bills history. so if by your logic to "hold him accountable" for one bad game, you are willing to apply the same standard when they have bad games?
  20. the media loves labeling republicans as "extreme" "conservative" "right wing" and doesn't always seem to describe a democrat who is equidistant "left" of center as said republican is "right" of center with the same adjectives. The Republicans had this "great" idea to run a terrible RINO candidate to appeal to the "middle". it was great on paper except their own party voting base hated the idea. And then enter the savior lets redeem ourselves minority candidate Obama media rockstar and well....
  21. If the republicans/conservatives/tea party can all somehow agree on a half way respectable, energetic and engaging candidate they should easily be able to build on their current political energy and turn 2010 mid terms into 2012 victory. It's pretty clear based on obama's approval ratings and the 2010 elections that he would be a very vulnerable incumbent president for an election based on current sentiments
  22. I hope Obama runs again, in fact i think he is still to arrogant to realize his policies are not wanted by the American people. Let Obama run again, please. it will all but lock it up for 2012 and set the liberals back years.
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