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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. there are lots of things to make fun of but i don't think his age is one of them. there are plenty of younger people who have had great success in their lives. It seems a bit short sighted to just "write it off" due to someone's age.
  2. I think the guy posted this Bond idea here a little while back? search around and there is already a thread on it
  3. This is the route i took from BUF to atlanta. Just curious if anyone else had better or worse experiences with other routes. I'm not kidding i went through over 10 speed traps in Ohio and it got frusterating. That is one of the biggest reasons i am thinking of trying another route.
  4. thanks, no diesel for me, regular is just fine in all honesty, i plan to mostly be driving overnight so I don't really care about scenery, so i guess that also gets rid of my worry about rush hour traffic in cities. I'm just looking to find the quickest/easiest/fewest speed traps route that i can find!
  5. my answer.... if he makes the team better? then yes. if he makes no difference or makes the team worse? then no.
  6. hopefully we are doing our "due dilligence" exploring every possible scenario to improve our team. the less modrak is involved the better. If that was the case, this board would literally implode
  7. thanks for feedback. Isn't speed limit on I75 in kentucky 75mph? or is it 70? what about taking I77 all the way up through WV to cleveland then 90 east? ever take that route?
  8. I'm driving Atlanta to Buffalo in a few days and want to know what route you prefer and why? I'm looking to get home as quickly as possible and most of my driving will be overnight if that makes a difference for traffic or not. I'm leaning towards option 1 taking I75 to Cincy, then cut over on I71 to cleveland then 90 home. option 2 would be I85 to Charlotte then up I77 to west virginia, then US19, and I79 up pennsylvania mileage wise they show on google as being almost identical. Anyone have experience with what route has "less or less strict" speed enforcement? which is an easier driving route? any thoughts or opinions are appreciated, thanks all
  9. Arkansas is just running it down LSU's throat
  10. good for him to have a more extended opportunity here
  11. Vick is a terrible piece of garbage and a disgrace to society. however, with that said, I also think he has "done his time" and does deserve a chance to be a better person. I'm not talking about being a better NFL player because that's terrible logic. All the stupid analysts keep commenting on "vick's redemption" because he's playing well. Playing well doesnt make you a better person, being a better person makes you a better person. I'm willing to give Vick a chance to prove his worth to society off the field without judging him. If he is genuine, people will realize this, if he is faking this to keep his publicity stock high i will have no mercy for him then.
  12. It's Still Bush's fault i'm sure he can run on that for at least another 2 years
  13. look at his stats. look at what he means to his team. look at his performance. He is under rated and deserves more hype than what he has been getting.
  14. we hung up a respectable score against baltimore, the over is very tempting i think i will work it into a 4 way parlay let's face it all the wise guy money from people who dont know any different (or from outside western ny) have no idea what the Bills have been up to, and on paper it looks like a sure thing for the Steelers minus a TD or less, no shock the money is moving to the PIT side but thats fine with me
  15. would LOVE to see Boise CRUSH "the" ohio state university
  16. I <3 Boise State. Very fun team to watch. Kellen Moore is the most under rated college QB in the game, period.
  17. Boise is one of the best and most balanced teams in football and are every bit deserving of their ranking
  18. happy thanksgiving all
  19. stevie is bringing some MUCH needed life to this team and organization and i think he will quickly become one of the favorite players and faces of the team. If Russ Brandon and Buddy Nix had any brain he would see whats going on and lock him up. Because A, he is a good football player with a ton of potential, and from a marketing standpoint the fans NEED something to latch on to and get excited about and going forward Stevie could be a big piece of that.
  20. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/11/23/condemns-north-korean-attack-south/ Seems more serious and blatent this time than their previous skirmishes. Pretty provoking stuff.... And S. Korea threatens enormous retaliation http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/asiapcf/11/23/nkorea.skorea.military.fire/index.html?hpt=T1 This posturing by N.Korea could re-ignite a full blown war
  21. what about not wearing helmets? (like rugby) or old school football possibly some type of modified hockey type helmet, or a "softer shell helmet" if helmets were softer (just as padded and protective but softer (like a modern leather variation) And on that note... why not get rid of all the hard rigid padding and go to more "soft" padding like dual density fabrics and foams. i think if a players entire equipment set was changed to have softer pads and a softer helmet they would be less likely to use their equipment as weapons and more likely to actually practice good tackling techniques and fundamentals.. just my incoherant ramblings...
  22. no this is the first i have heard that
  23. it's obviously worth seeing if you have the means to
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