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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Just look at the 2010 Bills season as the longest pre-season in history for 2011. The bills are already trying to evaluate their talent and identify their core players moving forward and what to address in the offseason. this season is shot but if they make the correct personnel decisions, all is not lost.
  2. you clearly didn't see it then... he even threw an uppercut in...
  3. That is one of the more interesting twists i have seen so far. Gotta think the Saudi's are upset that is now public.. and on the flip side you have to wonder how Iran will handle that.
  4. "let me be clear" I am just using the words that he pledged to the people... see - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/03/16/obamas-broken-promise-fed_n_500526.html (I even used a link that you will believe) "his administration was recommitted "to be the most open and transparent ever"
  5. well when you put it that way, makes perfect sense! irony.
  6. I think we are coming into a very exciting time for any type of extra terrestrial or major space discoveries.
  7. That's because this is the "most transparent administration"
  8. there is no way this post is serious ? i hope
  9. man that would be one hell of a hangover.... so maybe getting drunk, taking a little boat into the ocean trying to find the girls island at night was a bad idea??? lol not even sure what to say...
  10. honestly... he's better than the team moving... but if i had my choice no. We would be 7-9 8-8 forever hoping for a run down the stretch at a wildcard.
  11. anyone else have any more thoughts or experiences on this? thanks
  12. And i hope he is executed in a court martial for treason. Rumors/speculation going around now is that PFC Manning is actually a homosexual and was angry at the military and was upset so he felt justified to actively undermine national security. just speculation, but an interesting twist to this that hasn't been widely reported yet.
  13. tough to turn down 6.5 pts... hmmm bet a lot of money will go to the Bills and the line will move somewhere towards +5.5
  14. very interesting if there is any truth to this... could it have potential implications on a "Bills purchase"?
  15. Here are a few "logistical" items to consider.... The military is very gender specific. seperate male and female living quarters. It's consuming now to have multiple living facilites for both sexes. Now if you were to add in gay men and gay women now you need to create 4 seperate and equal living areas for each class. Males and females are seperated for obvious reasons, but how would gay men and women be seperated? would all gay men barrack/dorm up together (same as straight men and women) ? Would that cause distractions for that many homosexual people to be living together in such close quarters? (which is why straight men and women are seperated) This whole concept doesn't sound all that much of a big deal to civilians, but when you realize and think what the military actually is and does, it's not easy to carry out on a budget or in some far away austere location. logistically how would this work? A whole "nother" can of worms, would be the concept of "domestic" partners being covered under government benefits (ie. GI Bill, death benefits, health and medical benefits, etc..) that straight married spouses are entitled to. what would be the criteria for establishing that? Not for nothing, but that's also a HUGE chunk of money out of their operating budgets to make another group eligible for those benefits. Thats just my .02 cents on the logistical aspect of this policy, if i post back later or tommorow i will elaborate on my thoughts of if it will work, will it work, good idea/bad idea.
  16. Hang in there Stevie, rebound next week
  17. were close but we need to finish. at least the team is turning around their attitudes
  18. (playing devils advocate to prove a point) Why don't the Bills have any white running backs?
  19. PIT is good... but don't forget we do play NE and NYJ twice a year, they are pretty tough as well. And this year already we went toe to toe with Baltimore and if the NFL understood their own forward progress rules we might have won that. not saying we are going to beat PIT, but this isn't our first rodeo. we have a tough schedule every year and play lots of tough physical teams, hope the players keep that in perspecitve and are not intimidated and will go into this game with some confidence. as a side note... Fitzmagic played PIT 2 times a year when he was with CIN, he knows what type of defensive looks to expect.
  20. What if Newton declares? (which he is almost sure to do with all the college contraversay) Buddy Nix loves the SEC Chan loves athletic QB's Newton has all the athleticism in the world, and could walk into a pretty good scenario to come in behind fitz for a year to learn the NFL game and get better at reading defenses to grow as a QB. He has all the athletic ability if he can learn under an offensive mind like Chan. Just an interesting scenario that has a realistic chance of playing out...
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