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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. :cough: tea party that is what enough people who are fed up are trying to do.
  2. It's such a great piece of legislation that the people who created and voted for obamacare are making sure they are exempt from having to be a part of it.
  3. ehh i'm inclined to disagree. It's the U.S. tanker (kc 10- kc135) assets flying orbits around the Med gasing up the strike fighters patroling the no fly zone. some of the fighters (like the F-15e) that crashed in libya are American, some are french/nato. In addition i'm sure the navy is devoting some of their resources into the operation. The U.S. also has very specialized assets that would be used in this type of operation, ac-130's, ec-130's as well as various smaller aircraft like U-28, ea6b, predators, global hawks and logistical support etc.. Thats all in addition to the CIA and spec ops already "boots on the ground" in libya with the rebels. don't let Obama fool you.
  4. the only thing i can hope for is that because of the utter failure of the Republicans to run McCain last time, they will learn from their mistakes and run someone who the conservatives will want to support. The "Obama effect" should galvanize -the conservatives into not letting him win another 4 years as long as they don't run some weak democrat-lite candidate (a la mccain.) if 4 years of Obama is what it takes to re-energize conservatives at least maybe it can be used for some good.
  5. sorry I actually meant to piggyback off your statements not disagree. I agree 100% with what you are saying
  6. Why Libya? Why not Iran, N. Korea, Ivory Coast, etc ? what makes Libya unique and worth intervening?
  7. Keep fighting the good fight Paul. what are the odds he becomes a candidate for 2012?
  8. ya.. Billick is such a genius.... At this time of year everyone is looking for attention with their own thoughts and analysis and they all want their own spin on things. The only way to tell if taking a QB at #3 was worth it is if in 5 years when you look back the guy is either in the UFL or pro bowl. on the flip side (playing devils advocate) it's just a big of crap shoot for defense. look at the Bills would you rather have highly touted 1st round Maybin or an afterthought pick of kyle williams? there are always players taken early and late that succeed and fail.
  9. only if they also work at seductions
  10. Obama now deciding to go back to military tribunals at Guantanamo....
  11. getting of topic... but it would be much more cost effective and realistic to cut off welfare abuse, eliminate wasteful social programs, cut political pork and close the southwest border flow of illegal welfare recepients. That would be more value to this country than reducing the military.
  12. and securing our borders (in particular the southern one) against an illegal invasion
  13. With that point many left leaning folks have no idea that George W was unpopular with conservative voters on his liberal spending and weak stances on border security. They assume that Bush was poster boy of conservatism but he was far from it.
  14. I'm still baffled how anyone can seriously try to make the case that someone with a quaran in florida is responsible for this. why can't people accept the idea of being accountable for your own actions and not blaming others. If someone in pakistan burned a bible and there was a riot here and i killed 2 people, would the pakastani be responsible? would that be my excuse? thats seriously insane and anyone who tries to make that case has lost their mind.
  15. wtf? no. the people who were in the riot are to blame.
  16. On that note i'm going to interject with a rambling story about me... a ways back I considered going to school to be a teacher..even took a few education classes. Besides realizing that I didn't actually want to teach but instead wanted the "teacher lifestyle". While after looking around and realizing that; wow...there sure are a lot of other people just like me getting pumped out of college to be "teachers" that all have the same idea of how great this job is. and how few job openings there were... moral of the story is in supply and demand there were tons of recent graduates and few jobs for them to go into. If the current teacher pay/benefits are enough to generate that type of demand in the job market, its probably an over valued career and can afford to take pay/benefit cuts just the same as any private sector job.
  17. since it's very doubtful the big brand republican RINO's will ever fully "get it" or that is assuming they want to and are not happily complacent as democrat lite. I am waiting for when the Tea party decides its time to become their own 3rd party and stick to their guiding principles. I honestly feel it is the only chance this country has to correct our bloated government establishment.
  18. As they say... when the shoes on the other foot
  19. seriously who are the Libyan rebels? Shouldn't we know? from the "The Audacity of Hope," Obama said the U.S. will lack international legitimacy if it intervenes militarily "without a well-articulated strategy that the public supports and the world understands." He questioned: "Why invade Iraq and not North Korea or Burma? Why intervene in Bosnia and not Darfur?" Fact Check rips O's speech http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_OBAMA_LIBYA_FACT_CHECK?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT
  20. Brady can't play forever....
  21. ugly ugly game... he shouldn't be happy
  22. Fitz is a likeable guy, a feel good story, and he's a "buffalo kind-a guy". but i dont think he is the long term answer as a franchise QB. in my ideal world... we draft luck, let him sit a year. play fitz next year as starter while Luck prepares and learns, then in 2012 have an open competition and let Luck (hopefully) win the QB job then allow fitz to be the backup. sounds like a decent plan to me if we end up with the #1 overall pick
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