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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. this is true and to my knowledge Buffalo is the only city that regularly sings both anthems. It's a respect thing
  2. often times in football you have pop stars with over inflated self worths trying to put their own take on the sacred national anthem as artists, that is if they can even remember the correct words. hockey there is a different tradition
  3. no... you got it all wrong. old people won't starve they can eat dog food. CUT SPENDING, REDUCE WASTE, do MORE with LESS. everyone in the private sector has done it, it's the governments turn.
  4. + their 401(k) (like everyone in private sector) + their health/medical/dental for life
  5. cutting spending and waste is just too easy isn't it?
  6. huh why is that not more "moderate" muslim outcry against their violence? they kill in the name of religon all the time. look at the Danish cartoonist, south park, countless riots etc... It's ridicliou they masquarade as "peaceful" when their actions show otherwise. You don't see christians staging mass riots killing people when they hae art exhibits like a urine soaked crucifix or Jesus Christ covered in fecal material like the "art" exhibits a little while back. there is a difference.
  7. I'm going to have to go ahead and disagree with that... When I think of evil i think of hitler or stalin slaughtering millions of people.... thats evil and they had no intent on doing the right thing. (insert a multitude of other dictators, just making a generalization) or using Islam to riot and kill in the name of Islam's peaceful image being contested. Trying to do the right thing is helping someone out in need or trying to hold the moral high ground or forgiving someone who has wronged you.
  8. Irony- "Islam is a religion of peace, we are peaceful, if you offend our prophet with blasphamy we will kill you"
  9. tea party = unhappy. and if "played" you mean utterly disrespected by the so called leader of the free world then yes they got played. inviting Ryan to a front row seat then ripping him with worthless partisan rhetoric. stay classy obama thats real change.
  10. that campaign speech he propogated as fact was disgusting and a new low in politics. the guy is a complete joke
  11. agreed. but what was the root cause for making poopy cars? the unions and their additional expenses compared to the Japanese didn't have to pay. The Japanese put their money into R&D and building quality. Detroit paid union pensions and healthcare plans....
  12. because their disproptionatly high labor/benefit/pension expenses to the UAW. Detroit had to devote a larger % of their capital to pay the unions/democrat money launderers instead of putting it into quality R&D and production. weird huh?
  13. unions and big government ARE detroits problem. Detroit is EXACTLY what happens when unions and liberal policies run amuck unchecked for a few decades. ugh
  14. so what are you saying... being a community organizer isn't the same as being president?! haha...
  15. we love secret police from the nanny state
  16. I guess taking a step back and looking at this objectively I would have to to guess at Trump's motive for bringing this up... A- he either has some serious information that one of his minions has discovered which would have a huge impact on current government. or B- he is attempting to gain more attention for a potential 2012 and if this turns out to be false would be a total waste of just beating a political dead horse and embarrassing himself.
  17. that would be quite the coincidence
  18. here is a highlight from your story (paraphrashed to not get copyrighted) "county workers greive against county for using inmates to cut grass, claim although it saves lots of taxpayer money it reduces their collective income." wow...
  19. Which is why unions have no place in the public/government sector. at least in the private sector if company X has a union and they can no longer compete within their market due to increased labor costs then oh well tough for them. But us taxpayers are responsible for insane union negotiations as an front of the democrat money laundering scheme it is
  20. yes on that topic "compromise" is right in the democrats wheel house I applaud the newly elected tea party reps. They campaigned on a platform of fiscal responsibility, were elected on said platform and now they are trying to uphold their campaign promises. That is the type of integrity we need to save this country.
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