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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. the more I think about this Pakistan has some SERIOUS questions they better answer. Bin Laden has been living in this massive lavish compound for years less than 100 yards from a Pakistani military academy. really?! Pakistan seriously claims they didnt know? pretty big coincidence that bin ladin was using the pakistani army as his body guard. and secondly, I am very harsh and critical of Obama, but for once I think he made the right decision to not tell pakistan a thing about this raid even though it was on their own soil and just proceed with what was best for America. If he mentioned anything to Pakistan they would have tipped off Bin Laden and he would have been gone again. nukes and all, Screw you Pakistan.
  2. If Walterfootball gave us an F- i would be excited. In fact i would be optimistic and ecouraged. Walterfootball is the worst draft resource out there so if they are critical odds are the draft went well.
  3. Jasper will make training camp so much more interesting
  4. What's interesting is there is word coming out that some of the intel that lead to this raid came from club-Gitmo. Through some tip offs to the nickname of Osama's loyal courrier and lieutenant the US was able to track him down and follow him. Eventually they were tipped off to the compound outside Islamabad. What is stunning is Bin Laden hiding in this compound outside the Pakistani capital. Who could Pakistan NOT know he was there? were they complacent? The only thing that's a shame about this is they didn't slip a few strips of bacon in his pockets before throwing him overboard. My beer tasted so good last night. I'm usually very critical of Obama but at least for a day everyone can put aside politics and unite for the common good. The world is a better place today and justice was served. The war on terror isn't over but this was a big victory
  5. It's a great day to be an American. Burn in Hell Osama Bin Laden.
  6. Im seriously excited about this. good luck runing inside on our revamped D.
  7. WOW. i want to see Michael Jasper explode tom brady
  8. I'll roll the dice on him in the 3rd round for sure. worst case scenario even if it ends up as a disasterthe Bills have made way worse busts and best case scenario we have QB of future
  9. seriously WTF both ESPN and NFL went to commercial. so annoying
  10. Is there a constitutional ammendment that says your boss must be a natural born US citizen too?
  11. I'm sure your boss was already verified as part of the hiring process BEFORE he had his job.
  12. That's all i've said and in fact I said i'm glad he produced this so now this issue can be over with, and now i'm labeled as an extremist, birther, racist, idiot, fringe etc... wow sensitive issue for the left??
  13. I know it's off topic but it's another piece of evidence in a growing body of support to document Obamas lack of leadership and good judgement. He should be called out for that. it's the old "do as i say not as i do".... except he's president of the united states highest elected public servant and thats his attitude!??
  14. I think it's been put to rest. the best comparison that comes to my mind is there are always fringe elements out there. sure there will be some people who refuse to believe this and claim all sorts of conspiracy, but those are the same types of people who still think 9-11 was a inside job. you will never convince everyone of the truth there are always people who refuse to believe on all sides of the political spectrum. They will find just enough reason of doubt to enforce their beliefs.
  15. and youre stereotyping. where did I once claim it was a forgery? I stated that I am GLAD he put the issue to rest.
  16. Why am i a birther? because I had doubts? I wasn't on the "birther" bandwagon but there were enough questions to warrant him showing his birth certificate. and if you want to be a tool and start name calling maybe you better brush up on your reading comprehension skills and instead of just jumping to liberal talking points re-read what I said. I said that I wish he would have just produced this in the beginning to avoid all this chaos and just put the issue to rest when it first arose years ago. I have no problem accepting that he is a natural born citizen. I know the constitution is an inconvienent document for you libs that you would just like to sweep aside and not have to deal with... but what if he was proven to be ineligible for presidency? what would that do to everything he's done in the past 2 years? In the future it should probably be required of ALL candidates to produce a birth certificate prior to running in the election much the same as any citizen who applies for a job needs to prove who they are. It's a prerequisite for the job. Since Barrack didnt have time for such sillyness and sideshows he rushed off to be on the oprah show yesterday after his confrence telling us he was too busy to go to that level lol. he's so out of touch he has no clue how bad that foolish that appears to lie about not having time but running to the oprah show ehh i dunno. what would have been his reasons for waiting so long? why didnt he just come out in the beginning to show it? not sure what your implying about the "you guys" remark.
  17. yes because that is so much more important than following the constitution and the law of the land. all he had to do was show us this from the beginning and it never would have been an issue. I think there were enough concerns that raised legitimate question about his citizenship that he should have addressed in the beginning and this never would have been an issue. Instead he handled this terribly much like everything else in his presidency and just let suspicion and doubt grow until he had no choice but to address it. What if he wasn't a natural born citizen and we just found out now 2 years into his presidency, that would have unimaginable consequences and chaos
  18. I don't like government intrusion, but if people want public assistance they should have to take druge tests just the same as anyone else who has a job does. too bad this could never pass in NY
  19. I still cannot comprehend how these tools voted for obamacare without even reading it. That's beyond dereliction of duty and yet these same "representitives" will be voted back in with the help of liberal media and pop culture.
  20. It sure does...and business is not going to just absorb that cost and say "oh well", they will pass it along to the end consumers with higher prices to recoup their expenses
  21. I understand that... but the only point i was making was to piggyback on the post about cigarette tax. That stupid tax was sold to us to "convince people not to smoke, healthcare costs, 2nd hand smoke, it's bad for you and we know better etc... blah blah blah" but once taxes make smoking too expensive and enough people quit they government isn't going to say; hey thats great we "helped" all these people quit a bad habit, they are going to say oh crap what are we going to do with all that lost revenue we depend on. they will just raise taxes on other things and invent new taxes to make up the difference. It's not a tax problem, it's a spending problem
  22. see thats faulty thinking... they will find something else to tax. they aren't going to suddenly decide they don't need that revenue, they will just turn their health nazis on something else. too much sodium? tax it. alcohol? thats a public risk, yep raise the tax sugar? that leads to diabetes, better tax it caffeine? people are already addicted, tax it red meat? we'll say that causes cancer, tax that too. The government with tax revenue is like a crackhead needing a fix.
  23. It's sad but there is quite a bit of truth to that...
  24. this guy really doesn't have a clue.
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