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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. why are you suprised? this is WHO HE IS. Somewhere in the "hope and change" mania of 2008 no one stopped to actually look at who the hell he is and what he stands for.
  2. You must have confused our leftwing main stream media that pretends to be journalists with actual journalism. I'll take 8th writing level Palin over the "wisdom" of ivy league community organizing Obama any day. Why is the media so obsessed with trying to rip this woman apart? what about her makes them so scared they have to devote so much to discredit her?
  3. He got off easy. Under the UCMJ he should be most likely be executed.
  4. what are property and school taxes down in Charlotte like? what is average taxes on say a 150,000 dollar home? thanks
  5. If you have ever owned a boat you know how much of a pain it is to trailer it to the gas station to fill it up. 5 gallon jugs aren't much easier either...
  6. just dropped over $70 filling up my truck.... ugh.
  7. but remember we don't want to brag like this is a trophy and spike the football...or we might iflame would be terrorists. Im more convinced now than ever based on the interesting development that the crashed helicopter was a modified HH-60 varient was a heavily modified MH-60 stealth helicopter which there are only a handful in the entire US inventory and until now the public didn't know existed. The operation planners must have had real concerns that pakistan would have scrambled their fighters to intercept a foreign helicopter force in their airspace, so the US alternative to not advising pakistan prior to the raid was to use secrect stealth MH-60's to enter through their radar undetected. Say whatever the gvt. wants but they didnt want pakistan to know we were there. We could have more easily use CV-22 ospreys (but they are not stealth). Which just makes this whole operation much more interesting
  8. show them. whoever might be inflamed by this, is already inflamed anyways or will find something else to be inflamed about. screw being so sensitive to terrorist D-bags and apologizing all the time. show the pics to prove Bin Laden wasnt some super human and was just as vulnerable as any other human being. Maybe it will make a potential terrorist think twice that we will not tire or give up and will hunt them down like the animals they are.
  9. it just reeks of bledsoe 2.0 but i would be willing to give up a 4th rd pick and thats about as high as i would roll the dice on.
  10. some athletes just shouldn't have twitter.
  11. I think that was announced last week... interesting coincidence
  12. Seeing as how many of the people in ther terrorist group live "off the grid" so to speak in remote locations. word would reach them much later and second hanf if the US didnt publically announce this raid right away. Instead of Achmaed the courier taking 2 weeks to have message delivered that Bin Laden was compromised it was global in a few hours
  13. that in itself shows he is dedicated to football and doesn't care about getting caught up in off field shennigans or even put himself in a position where its possible to give himself a bad reputation by saying something dumb. good for him. more athletes would do themselves good by getting rid of their twitter accounts.
  14. what i would like to see even more than him on special teams is watch him make Tom Brady explode by crushing him
  15. pretty sure the law is the law on that and your wrong. who cares about Mccain and why does that matter? He was born on a US military base to US parents in the US panama canal zone under US governemnt authority at that time. but the Bin Laden sympathizers are far more annoying.
  16. word... time to invest in all the alberta Oilsands exploration type companies Good for our friends to the north, hopefully they can do some good and stick to their principles
  17. do you think this all happened when the media/govt said or well before its reported?
  18. I'm quite comfortable with it...shame it didn't happen sooner. you're right... we should have read him his miranda rights... /sarcasm. The only thing I am holding out a shread of hope for is that this was in fact the case and this raid/predator strike happened before the govt. claims and we secured intelligence after his death that was just GOLD and we have been following up leads and exploiting the intel before we went public with Osamas death. If Osama was in fact killed weeks ago i'm fine with it as long as the Govt./ Mil. have been using this time to chase down leads and follow up on the intel they gained before it was compromised by announcing the raid
  19. A part of me honestly wishes Obama keep a lid on this raid for a week or so. It would have allowed some time to filter through the vast amount of intel gathered in the raid and allowed time to possibly pursue time critical leads. Now that the whole world instantly knew his fate the other terrorists instantly knew their plans/locations/network was compromised from the highest level and they are changing their tactics and operations as a result. I guess we could have had an operational advantage by withholding this huge story to try and exploit the plethora of intel that was surely gained in the raid. oh well it is what it is... glad crabs are eating little chunks of his worthless corpse at the bottom of the ocean and he will be crab excrement by now.
  20. there are some details that need clearing up....
  21. Buffalo's economy IS the result of liberal policies.
  22. Good job for Matt Hand taking some initiative, seems like this will be an interesting story to follow and watch develop
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