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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Buffalo is what it is. It's not NYC/Boston/Chicago/LA . But it's a great small/medium sized city that feels more like a big town. There is rarely traffic, you can get to most anywhere you want in 15-20 minutes. We have less weather extremes than chicago our temperatures are more stable. If you are concerned about the snow reputation we are pretty good at getting it removed and it rarely slows us down. It's a great place to raise a family, good schools and neighborhoods. In the summer there are festivals every weekend and always something to do. Depends what you are looking for? what type of area do you want to live? there are a few areas in the city itself that are nice to live in, lots of nice suburbs and even nice country towns to live in that you can be downtown in 25 minutes. The people here are real and not phony or fake. Our waterfront is developing and being revived. We have plenty of outdoor activities year round if thats what your intereseted in. Property values are very reasonably compared to big cities. You can find a really nice house in a great suburb like Orchard Park/Hamburg/East Aurora for less than 200,000. The one drawback to living here are dysfunctional politicians and high taxes but if your from Chicago you are probably used to that. oh and as a side note we have awesome local restaurants and great food. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffalo,_New_York http://realestate.yahoo.com/promo/best-cities-to-move-to-in-america.html give us a little more feedback on what you are looking for?
  2. no offense... but Marv... hmm.. how can I say this... wasnt so good at evaluating current NFL talent and with team organization. maybe 20 years ago that's true... but he's not an opinion I value with today's NFL. how well did his drat picks work out and the team that he set up? he did more harm than good
  3. And the rhetoric and responses will be something like this.. "let me be clear... it's Bush's fault" "I'm not going to make this a political issue...but it's the evil republicans that won't compromise to what we want but we won't put any plan on paper for criticism yet" the Dems and RINOs for that matter have their head so far burried in their.. @ss sand... that they would rather bankrupt the country to win votes on entitlements than to do the right thing
  4. seriously blaming religon? that has NOTHING to do with this and couldn't be farther from the truth Well I'm off to go cling to my guns and religion....
  5. I have to wonder if what's going on now with our elected officials isn't a reflection on the country itself. Look at a majority of Americans now... they care more about American Idol or Jersey Shore than actual issues that affect the country. Most of the people who vote are so ignorant and clueless. Our government is a reflection on society in general. I bet half of our government who is even voting on these issues themselves have no idea what is going on. I bet they all hire accountants to balance their personal budgets and taxes but yet we trust them to balace the budget for the entire country. So many stupid people are more wrapped up in getting instant gratification and satisfaction and have no financial self restraint it's not a suprise so many people are in debt, bankrupt, foreclosed on etc... Their spending priorities are all messed up. It's more important to have a new ipad than to pay off another credit card bill. And idiot politicians keep promising us the world in social entitlement programs that so many voters are addicted to their assistance even though it's bankrupting the country the average voter doesn't want to hear it and politicians pander to everyone with fear mongering about kicking grandma to the curb and being forced to eat dog food instead of affording medication. seriously this country is so messed up I'm so frusterated. We have an idiot president who refuses to even attempt any type of leadership but would rather hide to deflect blame. He has no problem calling everyone else out and playing partisan politics but where is his plan? It's easy to lead from the rear and play monday morning QB. I know this is an incoherant rambling rant but i'm fed up.
  6. i really hope he makes 53 man roster
  7. pretty happy with it. Should be able to work well with Chan
  8. really? like how for the past 2 years the democrat controlled president/house/senate crammed down unwanted legislation down the throats of a majority of voters
  9. Your missing the point... this isn't a wang measuring contest... the democrats along with RINO republicans want to spend the country to oblivion in return to win them public support and votes. We simply CANNOT continue at this rate its that d@mn simple. it's not political its fact. the libtard media can spin this however they want but at the end of the day the REALITY is the country mathematically can't continue like this. people don't want to hear that entitlements have to be pulled back and politicans grandstand the issues at the expense of the country to gain votes. It has to stop.
  10. You're right... it would be much better for this country to keep spending money like drunken sailors spending ourselves to oblivion and bankruptcy. our entitlement system IS BROKEN. it's only a matter of time before the bottom falls out. It's not popular news to tell people their silver spoon won't last forever and it's tough to win that PR battle but it's a message that has to get out.
  11. You instantly lose ALL credibility now and forever by calling the tea party terrorists.
  12. It's pretty sad that we are overly indoctrinated to be PC that these clowns and liberal media champion their cause under the guise of religious freedom. Religious freedom and religous fanatacism that wants to destroy our country and way of life are 2 vastly different entities. the first should be protected and the later imprisoned. Kudos to Mr. Cain for speakinghis convictions and calling them out for what they are while knowing how eagerly the libtard media will pounce on him for it
  13. If only the Hope and Change mania did that the first time around....
  14. fixed for ya, no need to get specific enough to take away from his multitude of failures
  15. "hesitant" and "refuse to" are vasty diffrent ideas. All too often the term "racist" is hap-hazardly thrown about with no justification or basis for doing so and is overplayed and hyped up by the liberal media slants and along the way its real meaning has been lost.
  16. We are in this situation because we are funding unsustainable programs and over extending ourselves financially. One party wants to stop that root cause while the other wants to bury their heads in the sand to continue the status quo now and push the root cause off to a later date when we are even farther in debt. http://www.brillig.com/debt_clock/ Right now every citizen (if split evenly regardless of age/taxable income) would owe 46,178.84. BEFORE interest is ever paid back on a penny of the 14+ trillion dollar debt that we owe as a country. Add in interest and our "per person" share of the debt would skyrocket. This needs to stop.
  17. Responsible citizens and households live within their means and so should the government. The government does not have a tax problem, they have a spending problem. period. their entitlements are unsustainable
  18. you're right... having a voter properly identify themselves as a citizen before casting a vote for a United States Government offical is such a bad thing.
  19. Bueller? ............Bueller? anyone?
  20. Back in the day (10ish years ago) I was pretty into paintball, thinking of getting back into it. What is the local scene like? any stores or places to play? whats changed?
  21. sure can it's all about "Hope and change" that our country is smart enough to decide for themselves (since the media clearly isn't objective) that it's in our best interest to vote him out
  22. If that was the criteria for the "Obama Doctrine" then why stand idly by and not intervene in Syria? (playing devils advocate) Kinda like a certain president... ramming a HUGGGGGGE stimulus bill down our throats that was sold as the only hope to not let our economy implode with the key selling point of "shovel ready projects" weren't in fact as shovel ready as was mentioned (not that it should be a suprise) but the point that he sees fit to make jokes about this terrible legislation that amounted to a union money laundering attempt while the unemployment continues to rise. Let me be clear, it just shows how out of touch and out of his league he is http://nation.foxnews.com/president-obama/2011/06/13/obama-jokes-jobs-council-shovel-ready-was-not-shovel-ready-we-expected
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