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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. There are too many enabling fans who tolerate and celebrate this teams annual heroic march towards being mediocre. This whole organization is a failure and things won't change until we have a new owner or fans stop supporting a failing product.
  2. You know the husband got his mistress to kill his wife ....allegedly.
  3. I didn't see the game but listened on radio. And it sounds like vomit tastes in your mouth
  4. He could pull a mean rickshaw with an ol Ralph sleeping inside
  5. Our first team D to do well again. Our first team O to score a TD CJ Spiller to show some nice running/catching to make me feel better
  6. You racist extremist terrorist you! go study US History, everyone knows that Obama has been to all 57 states and if you disagree well your just not an intellect and wouldn't understand you just want to pick on him because the color of his skin and nothing else. /sarcasm
  7. Looks like American axle here in town is going to close up because they union voted down their last contract offer from the company by 97% against the proposal even with the company saying this is your last offer or we shut down and take the work elsewhere.... wow
  8. Pissing off customers for the company you work for so they never come back and buy services from your competitors isn't the way to get your free bennies and pensions funded very well...
  9. looks sweet. There was a waterspout off Hamburg Beach here the other week but I missed it
  10. agree to a point... but disagree that the president should at least use some leadership and give the image that he is staying on to work through a crisis just like private citizens would be expected to if they were in a position of leadership in their corporation. Do you think the general media would have let "W" sneak away without an uproar if he was in office for this
  11. Don't worry after Obamas 2012 campaign bus tour he is now taking another vacation http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/08/18/stormy-skies-for-obama-vacation/
  12. Let's try to have a "grown up" talk about where we think this country is actually heading. I take a look around and see more and more troubling signs to the point where I think it's very possible there will be growing civil unrest and even possibly civil war. There seems to be a growing mob mentality between "haves" and "have nots" which is being fostered and fueled by the entitlement mentality. I remember a theory a few years back from a Russian who predicted the USA to fracture into multiple country states and at the time it seemed crazy but with todays political climate it doesn't seem as far fetched.http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123051100709638419.html With the epic failure of multiculturalism further eroding the American culture could this country really fracture itself? I've never remembered a time when this country was so politically and culturally divided with no common middle ground. what do you guys think?
  13. On a side note... Wall street is taking a beatdown right now, DOW already down 487pts as I'm posting this (its only 1013)
  14. The only shocker is how long it took this to happen. "way to go!" big gvt. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/08/17/doj-reportedly-investigating-standard-poors/
  15. If anything the tea party is more alive now than ever before. Let's see what happens and the results of 2012 elections And if arrogant liberals and the main stream media want to write off conservatives/tea party type and not take us seriously, than all the better when they are suprised because they would not have taken us seriously.
  16. Thanks for the feedback on debate, straw poll is today curious to see how it goes.
  17. I keep meaning to watch Walking Dead.. is it any good?
  18. I was going to call shennigans on this as Evans appears to be the "model player" but this is an interesting theory...
  19. wowzers... if all we got was a 4th we got burned as usual
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