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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. tea party candidates ran on a very specific platform and won. Now, whilst in office they are following through and HONORING what they said they were going to do once they got into this exact position. what's the problem?????
  2. thank you for doing the leg work for me. The point I was trying to make is that it has gotten ridiclious now that if you or I get caught doing something like this it has the potential to brand you as an outcast sex offender and all the stigma that goes along with it. thanks for the info
  3. thanks for a meaningless response to boost your post count which will only serve to kill the start of a thread that I intended to spark civilized debate in.
  4. With all the banter on this forum I am curious where people stand on this political compass with parties out of the equation. Have you ever taken this test? find out where you stand. http://politicalcompass.org/test If you are man enough post results. Here are mine : Your political compass Economic Left/Right: 6.62 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 1.90 hmm.. strange I'm 100% sure I feel more libertarian than authoritarian but the quiz disagrees ??? well where are you?
  5. to be realistic... some are important. But there are way too many useless civil servants and bureaucrats that have no purpose and are overcompensated for their job and skill level.
  6. goodbye
  7. Go get caught having sex in public by a cop and let me know how that works for ya
  8. Ya I like them over time but not sure what will happen short term
  9. If that was you or I we would be branded as sex offenders. watch how fast "one of their own" gets cleared and this swept under the rug.
  10. How embarrassing of a draft pick this was. Whoever scouted him should have been fired yesterday
  11. If you are going to say something stupid without and basis for your claim back it up. WHY ? not just some stupid hit and run comment, but WHY am I crazy because I support the tea party ? you have nothing and you know it. Just spout some ad nauseum liberal talking point about extremists, or racist. I dare you. You liberals are the prejudiced extremists in your treatment of the tea party.
  12. starting 10,000 $ NFG 49 shares @ 61.40 $3008.60 UAL 106 shares @ 18.59 $1970.54 CSX 229 shares @21.85 $5003.65 total $9982.79 cash on hand $ 17.21
  13. touche' .... but still I want him to back it up
  14. well the story is from the huffington post so i'm sure it's trash. But on that topic I never bought into the kids transgendered issue until I watched a documentary on a couple kids in the 8-12 range that were so distraught with themselves over their gender they had severe social issues even to the point of attempted suicide. Taken for what it's worth assuming there was no sick demented parents influencing the situation but only had the kids best interests in mind then it is a real issue and not fabricated because what 8-10 year old would know any better unless it was either real or created by the parent. Either way it's a very difficult topic I'm not sure how I would feel or handle it if that was my kids.
  15. are you drinking my koolaid ? fact is a sure thing, the Bills are not.
  16. The more I think about your arrogant comment the more it pisses me off. Justify why teaparty people are crazy? what is your logic and reasoning? If your going to make a prejudiced comment back it up and explain.
  17. Ive been trying to do some research into the local tea party groups to see which is the real moovement (not the ones influenced by RINOs and democrats claiming to be tea party). I would like to be involved with one and was hoping maybe someone here has first hand knowledge on this. It seems like TEANY is legit?
  18. Well why not post it ?
  19. Diversity and civility only apply when it fits the liberal agenda. When Conservatism is an alternate viewpoint it is no loger considered acceptable and total douchebagery towards said viewpoint is allowable without condemnation. But don't try that in reverse to insult liberals or your a racist terrorist religious zealot mis-informed extremist, but I digress. PS- oh and for the record I have not watched your video, just a rambling tirade on a double standard
  20. I CAN win the lottery but I probably won't. 2-2 if things go our way
  21. Let's see how quickly the mainstream media ignores this
  22. Looks like I missed deadline... too late to join the fun ? What's a few months.... if not will this restart in 2012 ?
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