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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Obama will blame Bush for this as well... SSDD
  2. Liberals can spin this however they want but it's just more proof that the average American is not buying into the liberal "tax and spend" platform anymore. Obama has proven once again that this does not work.
  3. What a vile piece of trash she is a !@#$ing joke and a disgrace to America. Even worse is that BO just smirked and nodded his head. How the hell does she not know better?! God 2012 can't come soon enough
  4. Rome is fair and entertaining unlike that whiney douchenozzle cowherd
  5. Best wishes to him
  6. At least he is competitive. Now did he win his contest at least?
  7. Well if you want to spin the statistics of it... the last 8 games of 2010 the Bills went 4-4 (3 of those were lost in OT) and we are 1-0 in 2011. thats a 5-4 record in their last 9 games with 3 OT losses in there and the other loss was against the jets with Brian Brohm as QB.
  8. I really want the Bills to win just so I can watch that board implode
  9. There are some seriously arrogant dellusions on that board. You would think you were dealing with steeler or patriots fans. Its the friggin. KC chiefs. I expected better from them or at least assumed they would have marginal intelligence
  10. Some serious koolaid drinkers over there
  11. Bold move. Hope its not a short season for you
  12. I don't care about their religion as long as they fix this trainwreck economy the liberals created and idiot RINOs comprised on. Who are the religious fanatics?
  13. Would love to see the mainstream media reaction to a "liberals and Obama must die shooting game"
  14. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/09/06/tea-party-groups-condemn-hoffa-sob-remark/?test=latestnews Here are some quotes from Hoffa's speech who may have missed it "President Obama, this is your army, we are ready to march," let's take these son-of-a-bitches out and give America back to an America where we belong." Seriously how do these thugs get away with this crap? why is the media not all over him I swear if I hear one more idiot liberal call the tea party "extremists" or "radical" again they will have instantly demonstrated how stupid and clueless they really are.
  15. Your analogy doesn't make sense . I'm a youth hockey coach and I don't get paid I volunteer and in fact could argue that I pay to do so with equipment upkeep expenses. And I even stated earlier that some public servant jobs are needed and necessary I.e. police fire etc... however I stand by my statement there are many overpaid and useless civil servants and bureaucracies
  16. It's an interesting development and might give jasper more value to the team and give him a chance to get on the field
  17. Union greed in contract negotiation has nothing to do with putting a company at a competitive disadvantage right ?
  18. I would rather be a moron and be right, than a prejudiced Douchenozzle and be wrong.
  19. I along like most here, liked Jasper and Roosevelt. however as an objective fan, my most disappointing cut is hangartner. You seriously mean to tell me we have better back up O-line depth than him? this was nothing more than a salary dump. Congrats bills you made an already bad line weaker.
  20. Get real. the Bills only trade starters away not FOR them, we will troll everyoes sloppy seconds and look for "promising" cuts that we can hype up as the next starting lineman.
  21. This has to be a joke that you are seriously entertaining the idea of bringing back Edwards right?
  22. He better be more informative than the crap "ESPN STAFF" spewed
  23. "radical this".... "extremist that" explain what makes the people who voted for fiscally conservative representation radical? I think it's RADICAL to continue supporting a failing system that cannot sustain itself... but that's just me. I've actaully found myself agreeing with Alaska lately. I thought he was really far left from what I remember? could be mistaken though...
  24. I'm sorry..... NOT. Sorry you feel the need to act like a tool.
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