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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. No way he decides this on his own. His ego is too big to make that decision. Besides if he leaves on his own then it's an admission that he has accepted that his policies were epic failures and he is too arrogant to do that. The only way he goes is if the democrats/liberals mutiny against him from within the party.
  2. Terrible post. This whole thread is based on faulty logic blaming stevie for a drop that was in fact a catch . We can't control the refs and its not stevies fault the call was blown
  3. Interesting to see how this plays out. The only way he meets with the potential next owner is if jumbo is heavily involved
  4. Can't we feed them dog food like we do to grandma?
  5. This administration is as good at understanding the economy and private sector as I am at understanding Mandarin Chinese
  6. I can't find the story but I believe it was either on foxnews or yahoo news jsut yesterday that there are documents proving Holder knew about this debacle 9 months sooner than he acknowledged, if that is true he should (go to prison but we know he is a protected political elite so that wont happen) or realistically be fired immediatly or resign if obama doesnt have the stones to hold him accountable.
  7. Why is this the cause that is being pushed byt the NFL ? Don't get me wrong i'm all for protecting boobies and that... but... I am pretty sure that more men die of prostate cancer than females do of breast cancer. The NFL is made up 100% of male players, and the majority of viewers are male. Would'nt it make more sense to push prostate cancer awareness??? or is that not as trendy ?
  8. Well what type of work do u do? Do you need to be close to a city for employment? Toronto is the center of Ontario but there are smaller cities in southern Ontario that are closer to the U.S. that might appeal as well what are you looking for ? Any more details you can provide would be helpful for us to give advice. But lundys lane is a nice street
  9. Just roll with sahlens and call it good.
  10. Shouldn't you be busy shredding the constitution or squandering billions of dollars on bad loans ?
  11. Soooo glad Hitler is back. Loved the TO edition years back . I thought YouTube had to remove these for copyright or something? There are so many funny. Hitler is mad at...... videos
  12. Yes we can !! Hope and change ! Unicorns and rainbows! We know best !
  13. Stupid libs failing to anticipate banks would pass the charge to consumers. Wtf. Wtf else is in this bill that will be coming out? No wonder businesses are scared and holding back This whole "I'm with the government and I know best and I'm here to help you with over regulation" is down right incompetence and arrogant and fundamentaly wrong with everything that made America great.
  14. Glad its not a serious injury
  15. Im under 30 so I've had very little to enjoy as a Bills fan so this is definitely a top 10for me
  16. Very intriguing developments from the hood*
  17. Tackle tom Brady* at his surgically repaired knees every chance you get
  18. Also this is fitzmagics first season prepared to be the day 1 starter
  19. Time for them to ride the fitzmagic express and roll the pats. It has to happen sooner or later and we are at a decade high point in confidence so now is as good as any
  20. If they don't like it then don't buy it. Uf it doesn't get sold it will stop getting produced and the situation will take care of itself
  21. It's going to be a very motivated pumped up crowd
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