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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. If that is true being a current owner then Mr. Pegula is the only possibility
  2. Yikes... if any substance to the rumors... good news we have a team . Bad news we will hate the way its run. Ugh....
  3. Jim balsillie going to buy us..move us to Hamilton leave the NFL and turn us into a hockey team for the nhl. I know it.
  4. Yes we can ! How's the weather at club gitmo this time of year ???
  5. If you don't like his threads wouldn't it be easier to just ignore them ???
  6. A disproportionately high amount of blacks are in prison clearly this is a racist thread. Haha I kidd Wtf do these jackasses realize they are in prison not the holiday inn ?
  7. Why is the MSM not blasting these idiots ? If they want to blast the tea party relentlessly at every opportunity and they don't expose these losers for who they are further shows an objective MSM media is extinct
  8. My Google instincts tell me that was sarcasm
  9. hey Denver have fun with that QB contraversay. If you pull tebow the fans will revolt against you
  10. If she spent some time taking care of her face she could probably have the real thing... just a thought. she loves the kack. she should have just tried to get a job at a porn store. Getting paid to watch porn is better than going to jail over it...now she will be in some jail house hardcore butch action
  11. I'm in my mid-late 20's so never got to appreciate the super bowl run of the 90's. So of my adult life this is the first time it's really been good for me. (not counting the 99 year with flutie/johnson)
  12. I would say this team has pretty good chemistry as the "no names" with chips on their shoulders. Bringing in TO (even though he was a model citizen for us previously) would have more potential to harm the team than help it by upsetting chemistry. just my .02
  13. Kamar aiken would already have a head start with playbook
  14. Donte who? Who was that guy who played safety and never made plays ? Don't know...don't miss him. Congrats senator on a great game
  15. Liberals are all for tolerance ......until it disagrees with their opinion then tolerance doesn't count. Can't have it both ways
  16. Hope Chan can figure something out....
  17. You realize Herman Cain popularity is from those racist tea partiers right ?
  18. So....your hoping on the bandwagon of moral superiority with hit-n-run racist attacks. Whether he is a racist or not is beside the point and irrelevant. Explain your crusade and cheap shots against him. Instead of just spewing the same garbage, back it up with logic , examples and reasoning. Explain the point you are trying to make . Debate him . Prove your point. I'm sick of cowardly hit and run accusations and claims of racist or prejudice just hopping on the band wagon. Grow a pair and take a stand.
  19. I did and that's why I will not vote for Perry in the primary
  20. Soldoutya or soldoutus are equally descriptive and accurate
  21. Unreal. This is a liberals wet dream. Sucks for the legal residents of that state who already have very high taxes and for legal immigrants who were honest and didn't break the law.
  22. See many liberals are all for equality and tolerance. Except when it disagrees with their viewpoints then tolerance and equality go out the window
  23. I've been on the Cain bandwagon for a few weeks. So far if the primary or general election was today he would have my vote. He is an honest man of character who tells it like it is. He would bring fresh outsider ideas into Washington. I don't need him pretending to know everything because no one is that smart. But he is smart enough to delegate and listen to experts when needed I've been on the Cain bandwagon for a few weeks. So far if the primary or general election was today he would have my vote. He is an honest man of character who tells it like it is. He would bring fresh outsider ideas into Washington. I don't need him pretending to know everything because no one is that smart. But he is smart enough to delegate and listen to experts when needed
  24. unlike Obama, at least Hitler united his country sure it ended in complete destruction 12 years later but that's beside the point.
  25. It's ok he's a good hearted liberal he can say anything he wants to since they are so sensitive, caring and filled with rainbows. But you conservatives better not say something similar or you will be publicly flogged by a mob of MSM lemmings for being insensitive, racist, cold hearted, hitler, satan..et al.
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