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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Chan made the right call. If you dont understand it you are stuck in backwards NFL logic
  2. I think the jets win Miami looks bad and jets are desperate
  3. What pass rush ?
  4. I think there is a red dawn remake coming out in the near future which will be a great day for America. I guess this time its those pesky north Koreans who invade
  5. But think of all the cute desert animals that would be brutally shocked to death. Those nature hating evil tea party types. But I have no problem and fully support whatever type of fence is necessary to secure our country's legal border from illegal invaders. I agree with Mr. Cains plan. The first step in any plan MUST be secure borders and stop new illegal entries before any next step is taken Edit- if that is Mr. Cains position I hope he sticks to it and doesn't change his mind or back track due to media pressure or liberal groups
  6. Please let his terrible judgement continue long enough to be tied to these morons which will ensure he is back organizing Chicago communities in Jan 2013
  7. Stats cab be manipulated to show any claim you want. Would you know if those forces in 100 countries are actually the Marine Corps security forces stationed at US Embassys worldwide?
  8. There us very little in common between OWS and the tea party.
  9. Not sure what to think. I think its more is giving ourselves reasons to be nervous and doubt
  10. Eh if they flipped it hopefully the chalk it up as a learning experience and don't make more bad decisions. I really like Steve and wish him the best. He is developing into a star and can give us some good publicity
  11. That's a great way to keep in perspective how much of a train wreck our tax code currently is
  12. So he points out how crime has increased during the Obama adminiatration and says its the evil job killing racist republicans... ugh... never mind the fact of what generations of democrat controlled government will do to a local economy all while creating a class of citizens dependent upon government handouts to sustain themselves. Thanks for reminding us Joe
  13. You must be a racist I only ever see white kids in this protest. What are you mad at ? What are you trying to change ? How do you plan to accomplish your objective?
  14. More people were killed in fire bombing than both atomic bombs combined
  15. The Japanese were incredibly brutal. They did as bad or worse to Chinese civilians than Germany did to Poland . The Germans were just more organized and kept records like .... well nazis If we had to actually invade Japan I probably would never have been born because my grandfather wouldn't have survived and Japan would probably resemble present day Afghanistan more than it would its current self
  16. This has to be a joke. Unreal. Wtf is our president thinking. How out of touch is he. Somewhere organizing his community, looking for his birth certificate and visiting the 57 states he forgot to learn American history. I'm glad the Japanese wouldn't let him apologize . I cannot wait to vote his ass out in 2012
  17. Ugh stupid lazy sports writers epically failing mid way through the season on the team they are covering for the week. Sigh....
  18. He was supposed to be Patrick Willis 2.0 maybe Seattle is wasting his talent and he will Excel in Oakland
  19. Agreed. I was wondering where the heck this came from then went and re-read this.
  20. It cannot be Jacobs as he is a CURRENT owner he would have to sell the bruins to buy the bills
  21. My mistake. Checking on my phone and didn't notice that at first California is a liberals paradise and this is another stupid regulation on gun ownership which shouldn't be a surprise from the state who elected pelosi
  22. I'm assuming you meant they had their priorities straight sarcastically right ?
  23. Right on....Keep fighting the good fight the message has to get out
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