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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Honestly, how I started somewhat buying into this stuff was if you ignore the part where it seems Ridiclious (which we have been conditioned to discredit conspiracies) that it actually makes so much sense that there really is this behind the scenes force pulling strings. Now whether it's real or not I don't know
  2. Its the context and who Churchill was. He is everything Obama hates.
  3. He is a Muslim. No one even knows what he did for a huge chunk of his life before he was a community organizer and his wife took a political patronage/kickback position at the hospital. Our media is top notch.
  4. The 2nd ammendment. Invasion of privacy, unreasonable searches and seizures. Restrictions on free speech and expression. Loss of religious freedoms
  5. And day 1 Obama took down Churchill.
  6. Did you know she might be the first woman president??!!
  7. Not sure? It seems like a good gig right? Lol... I'm not saying I've bought into it, I'm just saying I don't discredit that idea anymore and think it's probably just as likely it's true than its not.
  8. I gotta be honest... At risk of being ostracized.... If you asked me 5 years ago about this I would have said you're crazy, no way. Within the past year or 2 I'm not so sure anymore. I'm starting to think there is an all powerful group of elites behind the scenes With their own self serving agenda.
  9. And the ATF will kick in their door in 5..4...3...2..........wait nothing is going to happen?
  10. I voted no I don't think they will, but yes they should
  11. This. No one will question you. Or, get "kill" on the knuckles of one fist, and "hate" on the other. No joke, I knew a guy who did that. In seriousness maybe Your calf or something? If your already in shorts your not somewhere formal....
  12. Well played. I feel like watching band of brothers right about now. Its remarkable how the 18-22 yr old men back then jumped from c47s into darkness surrounded by flak, and rushed off of landing craft facing hundreds of yards of beach with opposing cliffs manned by mg42s and 88s. To put that in perspective on how great and courageous their accomplishments were for freedom, compare that to the 18 - 22yr old "men" of today. Don't forget about the pacific, North African or Mediterranean campaigns either. Amazingly as much as we sacrificed, the eastern front was exponentially more brutal and deadly.
  13. What does trump do specifically that is openly racist? I'm not trying to be cute or play gotcha, just genuinely curious why he is constantly called racist. Just curious why you think what he does is worse and more racist than progressives?
  14. Not good. I liked his contributions
  15. That's a pretty cool side story I didn't know that
  16. I think this is a very good analysis
  17. Apparently more middle East "refugees" snuck in along the southern border. http://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/shock-report-the-terrorists-are-here-border-patrol-confirms-theyve-been-smuggled-in-through-mexico_06032016 Nothing to see here move along folks.
  18. So how long until one of our brown shirts burns the Reichstag?
  19. This summer is going to get reallllly ugly. Honestly...how much longer until these protests start racking up a body count?
  20. Notice how in all these protests there is always a waving Mexican flag somewhere no matter how much the photographer tries to hide it, there are usually enough being displayed one finds its way into the media picture against their narrative. They are Mexican nationalists who are here mooching from our taxpayers telling us how bad our country is and they want it to become Mexico North. Look up the state of aztlan. They want the southwest back.
  21. The media obsessed over the Oregon wildlife refuge protest for weeks and all but ignores violent anti trump protests, and the coverage it does receive ignores the protesters and blames trump for THEIR violence.
  22. https://www.yahoo.com/news/at-unruly-nm-rally-trump-goes-after-gop-gov-martinez-041037050.html More well behaved liberals throwing rocks at cops...
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