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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. I'm up to 10,595.22 in stocks with 30 something cash left I don't feel like checking my exact amount this second . Might be making a move shortly
  2. I didn't know you were speaking of a super duty type truck.
  3. Why don't people understand that every Toronto game under this agreement has been sold out for television purposes
  4. I will be voting for Collins
  5. Benedryl seems to work for me on more than just allergies
  6. Those pesky oil changes coolant flushed and timing belt replacements can't be ignored But I've had very good luck with Nissan. No problems. I now have a Nissan xterra and its my favorite vehicle I've had That's a pretty ignorant mentality
  7. Zombie apocalypse is fact. Can't argue with science. Prepare now
  8. Loved when favre tried to cross the moats and ended up squealing in agony
  9. I'm glad. Let's see if he can show something now
  10. Seriously? I love the bills but its not the taxpayers responsibility to fiscally support a billion dollar industry that is making money. simple things like leaving the stadium named after our owner and refusing to sell the stadiums naming rights for millions but then ol Ralph looks to the county for handouts to support him. If you think poloncarz is a bills savior I seriously hope you don't have the motivation to vote
  11. This mentality of career politicians IS the problem
  12. The US is geographicaly too large for a high speed national rail system to be economicly viable. I'm not going to pay 500$ for a high speed rail ticket to Florida that takes 15 hours when I can hop on a direct southwest flight for 150 and be under a palm tree in less than 3 hours. The only hope of high speed rail here is in densely populated geographically small areas. Like the Boston to DC corridor it cali. But evenrhere the potential is limited to select areas and low future expansion
  13. Goes to show you that objective journalism is non existent. Where is the outrage over this ? Cannot wait for 2012 .
  14. Maybe their fax machine was broken ???
  15. It's ok if a democrat is in office then its different that means our government knows best and does things with good intentions so there is no fringe element uproar
  16. Because republicans won't pass jobs bill...it will lead to more rapes....and republicans are anti abortion..... so there is a looming fecal containment gap that has now been ambitiously solved with taxpayer money to buy diapers. Brilliant!
  17. Holy Crap.... at least he is being honest and owning his position of a big government liberal creating more union jobs to increase democrat campaign contributions as a giant money laundering scheme.
  18. Are they not very confident in mikel leshore ? Or however you spell his name
  19. He would have to be in the conversation.
  20. There is still plenty of time to go 7 and 9
  21. Would have been 1358754356 times better if this ended up like the scene in anchorman where Ron burgandy just blindly reads whatever is in the teleprompter. Stay classy America and go !@#$ yourself I'm president Obama and I approve this message
  22. I'm waiting for the red dawn remake
  23. I believe they could leverage their private sector experience and crush Obama
  24. Everyone complaining about the call are the same people who would complain if we ran 3 times up the middle for 3 yards and missed a fg or if we made it and giants come back and get a TD for the win would complain Chan wasn't playing to win or was playing jauronball
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