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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. He can beat 14yr olds on madden
  2. It was a giant money laundering scheme and power grab by shoring up the democrat union base while using taxpayers money to foot the bill
  3. The only hope we have is if by some miracle upstate and downstate have a messy divorce and we become our own state. Under current NY Politics things will never change for us. Just keep bending over and politely asking for another
  4. Now we know what the bailout laur for. But in all seriousness this is very interesting I'm on my phone now and will check this out on my computer monitor tomorrow for a better look.
  5. I believe our esteemed liberal is attempting to explain that Israel has a nuclear deterrence strategy? ?? All Israel can do is strike first. They cannot absorb any type of attack , counterstrike and hope to save their country Afterall you have to keep in mind Israel is such a small country that even 2 relatively low yield 100 kiloton devices which Iran could produce without much trouble would be the end of Israel and they know it. And if those crazy Iranians every intentionally detonated an air burst they would send the middle east back to the stone age....which might be appealing for a hardcore Islamic regime
  6. He would rather blow off numerous challenges to explain and defend his position which is the entire point of this thread and instead feed into my mocking him . He busy using the googlbot to try and find ways to link his supporters to trash
  7. The can lay in the bed they made. Like the ol' fool me once shame on you...fool me twice shame on me
  8. Because they are bribed with others tax money in the form of pork projects
  9. I despise that politicians put their own selfish interests ahead of doing what was best for this country by keeping this quiet until we were able to analyze the copious amounts of the best Intel we ever have had on AQ and pursue leads while systematically crushing AQ and then going public. Bit its cool I'm used to Obama putting himself first afterall he knows what's best.... for reelection
  10. I'm curious...what are your thoughts on the tea party ?
  11. Some jerk attacked the bubble boy !
  12. Bush was one of the most loyal presidents
  13. Our country would becone an uncontrollable trainwreck of liquid propane cars with Obama at the controls full throttle
  14. Guess they don't teach about the Moors invasion of the Iberian peninsula anymore with forced conversions to Islam under jihad and the resulting reconquista kicking the moors back to Africa.
  15. Maybe you should reexamine your own beliefs. It sounds an awful lot like you are programed and indoctrinated to be a nieve over apologetic PC follower.
  16. Dave is a racist. He is such a hateful backwards racist. How dare he try to tarnish a black man's reputation. He wouldn't treat Herman Cain this way if he was white
  17. Paraphrasing the typical militant Islam response " we are a religion of peace how dare u portray us and Mohammed this way to avenge this blasphemy we have to kill you in the name of honor for our religion of peace"
  18. Withholding judgement until more facts are available. Anyone remember the duke lacrosse team accusations?????
  19. The referendum appears to still be moving forward. Greece is exactly the reason we need to crush our own growing entitlement mentality and live within our means with limited government intervention.
  20. Sj is as good as anyone at running a smooth route so it will be a good matchup
  21. Don't worry the will form mobs to protest and riot over the needed austerity measures to balance out their unsustainable social programs soon enough...
  22. They have a large entitlement mentality so it might not work too well if the population en masse does not want to use common sense. Not saying if not accepting the bailout is a good or bad idea
  23. Went with gonzo. But beaker is close 2nd and animal 3rd
  24. What's the real issue with all these chicks? Do they have self esteem issues or what ?
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