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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. If or when the bills leave that would be the best thing for the bulls. They would gain more support and hopefully become more competitive
  2. A bit of a touchy subjet Eh? See here's the problem...you feel that if someone doesn't identify as a left leaning liberal they must be a smug cold hearted elitist because they don't think the same as you and only bleeding hearts are capable of such emotions. I am very compassionate for others. I want people to be able to support themselves and have a sense of self worth and self respect with family support and a brighter future. Living in a continous welfare cycle will not accomplish that. You and your anger are misdirected.
  3. Shouldn't a violent wave of syphilis have made its way through these camps thinning the heard by now or something
  4. A significant cause of the erosion of inner city neighborhoods is (Noble good intentioned) but ultimatly failed liberal policies. There is now an entire class of people who have 2nd generations living off the welfare state. With the ever reliance on government social programs people no longer try to improve their lives because they keep getting told they are the victims and the government will take care of them. Somewhere along the way without making positive contributions to society and their own lives being ever dependent upon the government while being made to feel like victims they lost their self respect and motivation to make something happen and pull themseleves forward with hardwork effort and education. Then you add another generation where all their role models they see and their social norms just re enforce this entitlement mentality without ever learning how to take care of and better yourself with healthy work habits
  5. so what are you saying all those temporary holiday jobs that the administration was using to fudge their numbers are back out on the street?!?! :shocked:
  6. You do realize this is a result of failed liberal ideology right ? You posting that as some type of shocking find ironically shows the faults and results of what you continously defend. take the blinders off and try to come up with an independent conclusion by investigating the root cause of said racial/economic strain. and taxing millionaires is not the answer.
  7. Our overly PC pantywaist MSM outcry is a joke and yet so predictible. war is UGLY. it is hell. it is not pretty. For anyone isolated back home here in your cushy office or home nice and safe and cozy to try and claim some type of moral superiority over these brave Marines is pathetic and you are ignorant. Who knows what the context of this video is. Did these Marines witness these taliban throwing acid on defenseless women or children and pursue and kill them ? Did the dead taliban just ambush and kill some of the Marines friends moments before? we don't know what happened and who are we to judge them. Don't even get me started on our overly PC rules of engagement. Don't send our troops to do an ugly job for you while you happily sit home watching reality tv in the CONUS oblivious to the harsh reality of a combat soldiers every day existence if you are not willing to support them. Don't give me some crap about how we need to hold ourselves to a higher standard. Our troops are trained to kill people, blow things up and win. That is their job description for which they are trained. How would our liberal media today react if they were time warped to 1944/1945 with American troops flamethrowing Japanese in caves and bunkers of Guam/Okinawa/Iwo Jima etc.. how would they react to marines raiding dead Japanese bodies as war trophies ripping gold teeth from their dead decaying lifeless bodies? Many times we weren't sure if Japanese were really trying to surrender or pretending to surrender so we shot them just to be safe. these were a few samplings of actions from "the greatest generation" dude, the rest of the world hates America (save a few of our closest allies) regardless so is this video just going to make them really really really REALLY not like us?
  8. Yes and no.. the results were great....but We had a huge tactical advantage breaking their code and a lot of luck go our way. Midway could or some would even way should have been a crushing loss for us.
  9. I wonder what would have happened if Nagumo didn't make the conservative decision to withdraw after the 2nd strike wave and launched a more risky 3rd wave directed at fleet infrastructures drydocks and supply depots. Always curious why he didn't roll the dice and go all in for the crippling blow . They already launched an incredibly daring attack and their potential long term strategic advantage would appear to be worth the risk at that point.
  10. Were all screwed with our power hungry bureaucratic government. I am becoming more of a conservative libertarian by the day
  11. In courier font too
  12. If the guy is a swinger and just likes to get his freak on he should own it as being who he is and it wouldn't be an issue (well except with the hardcore social conservative types) but the issue that is killing him is the changing stories and back tracking statements which are leading to mistrust and lack of confidence. Just own who you are and it would be much more respectable and less of an issue, at least you would still have integrity and trust with the people
  13. Thats crap... this whole story really pisses me off. That poor kid is suffering emotional trauma because some D-bag liberal civil servant wannabe activist hero. F-them seriously for all you people that don't think this is a big deal ask yourself, if you were that mother how would you feel? what would you do? and if you still cannot comprehend that, what if the state decides to impound your sports car because it has the potential to break the speed limit. Or confiscate your tobacco products because they are a known carcinogen, or take your kid away because you took them to a loud concert or monster truck show than can damage their hearing. what next? where does it stop? this is beyone a slippery slope were already cruising down the mountain. what ever happened to individual liberty and freedom? why do these "do gooder" nanny state agents think they always know whats best for everyone else. Just keep ignroing the over reaching government because it's PC and ignore the problem until somewhere down the road they are your problem and don't agree with something you are doing in your life good luck dealing with that.
  14. welcome to the nanny police state. This is a disgusting outrage of "the state" invading private citizens lives. Who is the state to say they can do this? what about the mental and emotional stress they just caused this kid being ripped from his family. The state has no right to take a kid out of a home for being fat. Is the mom a bad parent, probably. but it still is no reason for taking the kid. A more constructive approach would be to involve the doctors and find out if he has a medical condition or something along those lines. How do we know this kid isnt stuffing his face full of crap at school, outside the home, has genuine medical issues etc... Seriously I cannot believe there is not outrage over this government gross abuse of power. Are we that far indoctrinated and de-sensitized to the point where we are not outraged by the state doing this? what's next? this is sickening that it happened and that there is no outrage. I'm genuinely sad for the state of this country and where things are heading.
  15. hopefully the jags have a one way ticket to LAX
  16. I would rather be paid based on merit and my contributions accordingly compared to a union job where everyone is paid same as slughead Joe regardless of work accomplishment
  17. I think Newt opened up a can of worms on his illegal immigrant stance and will turn off some supporters. I'm curious to see how much this will damage his campaign
  18. Occasionally an octopus has been observed walking on land
  19. He is already the nominee ? He is trying to separate himself from the pack and build on his momentum. He isn't trying to appease the libtard media because they will always spin anything a conservative says so it is irrelevant
  20. Spot on. He is saying what his desired support base is already thinking anyways and he will get a boost from calling it the way it is. Let's face it the OWS morons aren't smart enough to think for themselves and analyze a situation anyways and will already vote dem if they have the motivation to leave their parents basements. Newt can only stand to benefit from his comments
  21. The super committee just represents the growing gap in rigid ideological differences between the left and right which is a microcosm of American public in general. Neither side is willing to give and this is going to set the stage for some very polarizing 2012 elections. Look at this board everyone already has their views and its highly unlikely they are going to be changed by posters with opposite viewpoints only reenforced by posters you ideologicaly agree with. I am actually growing concerned with how large a gap there is in this country between the 2 diametrically opposed groups and where its going to end up.
  22. Me thinks he is trying to illustrate that these people are clueless and even they don't know what their agenda is or how they plan to accomplish goals they don't know.
  23. Never going to happen unless said governor hails from the state of west ny
  24. Donald Jones needs to be upgraded badly. Open things up with a respectable downfield passing attack. And don't abandon the run game too early. Wtf did we sign brad smith and draft CJ for again? Why are they not involved
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