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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Resume booster for contract negotiations ?? I dunno
  2. Hopefully the 5th not that its a huge difference
  3. Occasionaly you see a story about someone getting 2 dewies in 1 day. I always found that quite an impressive accomplishment of stupidity
  4. I think Seattle got jobbed pretty bad and as a bills fan I can sympathize with that. That and I don't like Pittsburgh in any super bowl. Hate their fans
  5. Have a BA and currently work in logistics. My wife works and have kids. I'm close to my parents but its possible depending where I move they would consider moving as well. After thinking about it more I'm coming up with a better idea of what I'm looking for. Ideally no more than a 10-12 hour drive to buffalo LOW taxes. Low or no state income tax. Low property tax. Lower cost of living Interested in the mid south states NC. TN. KY VA or maybe even OH . looking for a small town feel to medium sized city Interested in areas where you can have a neighborhood type feel in more country area while not being too far of commute to a city looking for a "red" state with accessible pistol permits more individual freedoms lower taxes etc... So far everyone has great feedback and comments and its appreciated
  6. Yea head massager.... like the oversized metallic bulbous end with metal shaft for the low price of 4.99 some slink out there is loving her head massager. Ya know to massage her sensitive and aching.....scalp
  7. Sigh.... why does this not sunrise me
  8. What about Richmond did u like ?
  9. Simple enough I'm looking for some advice on those who have relocated from wny. I'm seriously considering moving out of the area. After really thinking about how frusterated I am. My main complaints are high taxes on everything and a high cost of living comparative to salaries here Where did you move to ? What about that area interested you ? How are the taxes real estate and cost of living? What advice would you have to someone thinking of fleeing wny with a young family ?
  10. He is a patronizing politician and will say whatever people want to hear. The reality is upstate ny is the red head step child to state politics. We don't matter to them and they don't care about us. It's all about downstate and long island. Stop by the politics side of the board sometime
  11. Already a thread on this....
  12. ZzZzzz. Anything happen yet ? I'm still impatiently waiting for a shakeup.
  13. If a GM has a top 10 pick and won't at least listen to offers to trade down they should be fired on the spot.
  14. And walking on the moon was with 1960s technology on a drafting board.
  15. I'll take a great qb and average defense over an average qb and great defense. Elite QBs are the single most important component of a winning team.
  16. Funny how things mysteriously seem to always work out for the pats*
  17. I would take giants straight up without the points
  18. Another example of the mainstream bias is look how Tim Thomas is being treated by the drive by media right now. compare that to the likes of the Hollywood elites bashing on bush relentlessly for 7.5 years.
  19. this guy = tool. He wore the USA sweater because he loves America and it's citizens. He declined the offer to the whitehouse because he is using this as an opportunity to make a statement on the fact that the Federal government has grown to bloated proportions and increased under the administration to the point it infringes upond liberty. Tim Thomas is more an more one of my favorite NHL players. He is very pro US troops and usually has a yellow ribbon on his mask, he rocked out the "grow your mo" for Movember and now declining king obamas royal invitation. it's stunning the double standard the media is treating this with. where were they when it was cool for every hollywood doucebag to come out of the woodwork bashing bush and any liberal talking head. Where was the outcry over that? Tim Thomas is one of the most genuinely patriotic Americans in pro sports. eFF the libtard media Here is Thomas' statement "I believe the Federal government has grown out of control, threatening the Rights, Liberties, and Property of the People. This is being done at the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial level. This is in direct opposition to the Constitution and the Founding Fathers vision for the Federal government. Because I believe this, today I exercised my right as a Free Citizen, and did not visit the White House. This was not about politics or party, as in my opinion both parties are responsible for the situation we are in as a country. This was about a choice I had to make as an INDIVIDUAL. This is the only public statement I will be making on this topic. TT"
  20. I would absolutly take a shot on Moore if he is there in the 3rd round
  21. Dave when will you just stop and think for yourself ? Seriously just step back and take an objective look at the problems we have in this country and what the causes are. Then hopefully you will come to your senses and realize how flawed the liberal ideology is and you can become part of the solution and help us turn this country around. I mean this honestly... I'm halfway in the bag so I have to reason to lie and its too easy to call u names and make fun of your illogical arguments.
  22. This would be too good to be true If so we might as well skip the formalities and just elect pegula as mayor for life of pegulaville
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